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K/Qt Windows Testing Platform

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K/Qt Windows Testing Platform

Wed Sep 16, 2015 4:48 am
Hello all. I was curious if anyone could let me know what I would need to set up a successful KDE/Qt testbed in Windows?

I'm wanting to help the Krita project by cornering a few of the bugs on Windows 10. At the moment I am debugging the processes with Visual Studio 2015, which seems to be the only way I've found to obtain any verbose output. Of course, I cannot get a backtrace from this, but does output some decent information. I am curious if it is possible to get more detailed information with VS, and if not, is there another debugger out there that will work with KDE/Qt on Windows?

Also, I notice a lot of talk about compiling with mingw, is it possible to compile with a VS/SCons or CMake setup?

If I'm asking all of the wrong questions, may I ask, what would you suggest for a Windows test platform?

Thanks in advance.


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