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Bug Kwin

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Bug Kwin

Wed Jan 22, 2020 3:04 pm
I run KDE on Arch, recently Kwin broke after updating. All of the sudden the compositing-function of Kwin does not work anymore and KDE lost the ability to apply transparancy, Yakuake lost transparancy and when I open the appearance tab of the edit profile tab then I get this error message:
The background transparency setting will not be used because your desktop does not appear to support transparent windows.

I searched a lot with search-engines to figure out what is going on, nothing useful shows up. How do I get the compositing (no tearing!) and transparancy back? Which are the relevant files which I should look at? The GUI doesn't offer any solution to set this as far as I can tell. I use a 5700 XT, I didn't have these issues before with the same graphics card.

Oh, and this.
Screenshot taken without changing anything. It is not a user-error apparently. Compositing is turned on. Just to be thorough I tried to disable "allow applications to block compositing", that did not help either. There has to be a bug.

When I enter this command in the terminal
qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin supportInformation

Then this is the end of the output
Compositing is not active

In the screenshot you see that compositing is turned on in the GUI but somehow Kwin refuses to apply it.
Here the full output.

KWin version: 5.17.5
Qt Version: 5.14.0
Qt compile version: 5.14.0
XCB compile version: 1.13.1

Operation Mode: X11 only

Build Options
HAVE_X11_XCB: yes

Vendor: The X.Org Foundation
Vendor Release: 12007000
Protocol Version/Revision: 11/0
SHAPE: yes; Version: 0x11
RANDR: yes; Version: 0x14
DAMAGE: yes; Version: 0x11
Composite: yes; Version: 0x4
RENDER: yes; Version: 0xb
XFIXES: yes; Version: 0x50
SYNC: yes; Version: 0x31
GLX: yes; Version: 0x0

Plugin: org.kde.kwin.aurorae
Theme: __aurorae__svg__Sweet-Dark
Plugin recommends border size: No
Blur: 1
onAllDesktopsAvailable: true
alphaChannelSupported: false
closeOnDoubleClickOnMenu: false
decorationButtonsLeft: 0, 2
decorationButtonsRight: 6, 3, 4, 5
borderSize: 3
gridUnit: 10
font: Noto Sans,10,-1,0,50,0,0,0,0,0,Regular
smallSpacing: 2
largeSpacing: 10

Name: KWin::X11StandalonePlatform

focusPolicy: 0
nextFocusPrefersMouse: false
clickRaise: true
autoRaise: false
autoRaiseInterval: 0
delayFocusInterval: 0
shadeHover: false
shadeHoverInterval: 250
separateScreenFocus: false
placement: 4
focusPolicyIsReasonable: true
borderSnapZone: 10
windowSnapZone: 10
centerSnapZone: 0
snapOnlyWhenOverlapping: false
rollOverDesktops: true
focusStealingPreventionLevel: 0
operationTitlebarDblClick: 5000
operationMaxButtonLeftClick: 5000
operationMaxButtonMiddleClick: 5015
operationMaxButtonRightClick: 5014
commandActiveTitlebar1: 0
commandActiveTitlebar2: 28
commandActiveTitlebar3: 2
commandInactiveTitlebar1: 4
commandInactiveTitlebar2: 28
commandInactiveTitlebar3: 2
commandWindow1: 7
commandWindow2: 8
commandWindow3: 8
commandWindowWheel: 28
commandAll1: 10
commandAll2: 3
commandAll3: 14
keyCmdAllModKey: 16777251
showGeometryTip: false
condensedTitle: false
electricBorderMaximize: true
electricBorderTiling: true
electricBorderCornerRatio: 0.25
borderlessMaximizedWindows: false
killPingTimeout: 5000
hideUtilityWindowsForInactive: true
compositingMode: 1
useCompositing: true
hiddenPreviews: 1
glSmoothScale: 2
xrenderSmoothScale: false
maxFpsInterval: 16666666
refreshRate: 0
vBlankTime: 6000000
glStrictBinding: true
glStrictBindingFollowsDriver: true
glCoreProfile: false
glPreferBufferSwap: 97
glPlatformInterface: 1
windowsBlockCompositing: true

Screen Edges
desktopSwitching: false
desktopSwitchingMovingClients: false
cursorPushBackDistance: 1x1
timeThreshold: 150
reActivateThreshold: 350
actionTopLeft: 0
actionTop: 0
actionTopRight: 0
actionRight: 0
actionBottomRight: 0
actionBottom: 0
actionBottomLeft: 0
actionLeft: 0

Multi-Head: no
Active screen follows mouse: no
Number of Screens: 1

Screen 0:
Name: HDMI-1
Geometry: 0,0,1920x1080
Scale: 1
Refresh Rate: 60

Compositing is not active

Now I get this message in the compositing tab of system settings:
OpenGL compositing (the default) has crashed KWin in the past.
This was most likely due to a driver bug.
If you think that you have meanwhile upgraded to a stable driver,
you can reset this protection but be aware that this might result in an immediate crash!
Alternatively, you might want to use the XRender backend instead.

Some issue with Kwin not playing nice with the GPUOpen/mesa-drivers?

Could this forum please accept 1080p pictures? Most people have a 1080p monitor.
Registered Member

Re: Bug Kwin  Topic is solved

Wed Jan 22, 2020 3:30 pm
By big exception I will reply to my own topic, not to bump it or whatever but because I have the/a solution: switching from OpenGL 2.0 to OpenGL 3.1 solved the issue. I will leave it to the KDE-developers to connect the dots (I should have given enough information and if they want more information then I can give it) but apparently updated drivers did not allow Kwin to work with OpenGL 2.0 anymore.
User avatar

Re: Bug Kwin

Thu Jan 23, 2020 11:30 am
FWIW: please do not report bugs in the forum, these need to be reported in

Running Kubuntu 22.10 with Plasma 5.26.3, Frameworks 5.100.0, Qt 5.15.6, kernel 5.19.0-23 on Ryzen 5 4600H, AMD Renoir, X11
FWIW: it's always useful to state the exact Plasma version (+ distribution) when asking questions, makes it easier to help ...
Registered Member

Re: Bug Kwin

Sat Aug 01, 2020 10:17 am
I'm running Manjaro KDE, and I have this issue. Sometimes I'm lucky on startup, and compositing will start, but other times, it doesn't. When I go in to the "Compositing" settings, I see the "OpenGL compositing (the default) has crashed KWin in the past. This was most likely due to a driver bug." message.

When I run
Code: Select all
sudo journalctl -x
I'm not exactly sure what the output means or what to look for, but I see the following that might be related (because it mentions kcms/kwincompositing failing to load):

Code: Select all
-- The job identifier is 167.
Aug 01 10:50:34 z97 systemsettings5[1652]: Cyclic dependency detected between "file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/kirigami.2/styles/org.kde.desktop.plasma/Units.qml" and "file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/kirigami.2/styles/org.kde.desktop.plasma/Units.qml"
Aug 01 10:50:34 z97 systemsettings5[1652]: file:///usr/share/kpackage/genericqml/org.kde.systemsettings.sidebar/contents/ui/SubCategoryPage.qml:141:9: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
Aug 01 10:50:34 z97 systemsettings5[1652]: file:///usr/share/kpackage/genericqml/org.kde.systemsettings.sidebar/contents/ui/SubCategoryPage.qml:131:9: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
Aug 01 10:50:34 z97 systemsettings5[1652]: file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/kirigami.2/private/RefreshableScrollView.qml:143:13: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
Aug 01 10:50:34 z97 systemsettings5[1652]: file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/kirigami.2/private/RefreshableScrollView.qml:143:13: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
Aug 01 10:50:34 z97 systemsettings5[1652]: Cyclic dependency detected between "file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/kirigami.2/styles/org.kde.desktop.plasma/Units.qml" and "file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/kirigami.2/styles/org.kde.desktop.plasma/Units.qml"
Aug 01 10:50:34 z97 systemsettings5[1652]: QQmlEngine::setContextForObject(): Object already has a QQmlContext
Aug 01 10:50:34 z97 plasmashell[1403]: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.taskmanager/contents/ui/Task.qml:285:5: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
Aug 01 10:50:37 z97 systemsettings5[1652]: Couldn't load plugin "kcms/kwincompositing" : "The shared library was not found."  -- falling back to old-style loading from desktop file

I found another post that mentions creating this file:

Code: Select all
$ cat ~/.config/plasma-workspace/env/
qdbus org.kde.KWin /Compositor suspend
qdbus org.kde.KWin /Compositor resume

However, I have found that this isn't 100% reliable when my computer starts up. I can run it manually from the terminal though, and it will start the KWin Compositor.

I might try a fresh install of another distro...
Registered Member

Re: Bug Kwin

Sat Aug 01, 2020 10:27 am
ALT + SHIFT + F12 starts the KWin Compositor again, but it's annoying doing that every time I boot and sign in.


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