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limited screen real estate, screen capture & work.

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I watch lectures on zoom that I need to record.

I want to record the lecture and work at the same time.
The problem is that I do not have enough screen real estate.
As the setup is now I can not do the two at the same time.
I want to do the recording somewhere else since it is self contained and do not need user input.

My graphics card could support an extra 1080p monitor.
Ideally I would like to have a 1080p zoom window on virtual desktop 2 and screen capture it, while working on desktop1.
That setup would be isolated from hotkeys and me accidentally disturbing the recording. Is this possible?

Alternatively can I expand my desktop in virtual space and put the recording there out of sight?
or add a virtual monitor?
What is possible? The best would be if it were a closed off space (i.e. not effected by hotkeys)?

plasma version 5.21.4
Kde framework version 5.81.0


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