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kwin compositing stopped working on Sandy Bridge laptop

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I have an old intel Sandy Bridge laptop that functions as my backup machine. It has Gentoo Linux installed. I update it monthly and check that it functions OK. With the last update I noticed that compositing stopped working (using kwin for KDE).

When looking in my Xor.0.log file, I get the impression that the intel driver is loaded, including the necessary features for compositing (such as SNA, DRI3, DRI2, Present). However, in the journal, I find:
Code: Select all
kwin_x11[2828]: kwin_core: Failed to initialize compositing, compositing disabled

I have no Xorg config file, as I since long relied on the configless option.

I'd be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction for fixing this compositing issue. Feel free to ask further information.


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