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bug in "append to playlist?

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bug in "append to playlist?

Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:18 am
hi there.
well, it works fine if i doubleclick a title from \"recommended tracks\", however, if i right-click the title, and choose \"aappend to playlist\" there is a problem:

only the title is listed, and contains the filename. interpret/almun is empty.
if i then choose to play that track:
amarok: [controller] Loading URL: file:/mnt/srv/data/lala/Dire%20Straits/Brothers%20In%20Arms/Dire%20Straits-Brothers%20In%20Arms-02-Money%20For%20Nothing.mp3
amarok: [aRts-Engine] Loading url: file:/mnt/srv/data/lala/Dire%20Straits/Brothers%20In%20Arms/Dire%20Straits-Brothers%20In%20Arms-02-Money%20For%20Nothing.mp3
amarok: aRts-Engine: url.path() == /mnt/srv/data/lala/Dire Straits/Brothers In Arms/Dire Straits-Brothers In Arms-02-Money For Nothing.mp3
amarok: aRts-Engine: url.protocol() == file
amarok: aRts-Engine: ==
amarok: aRts-Engine: url.port() == 0
amarok: ERROR: [ArtsEngine::connectTimeout()] Cannot initialize PlayObject! Skipping this track.
looks to me like there is something wrong with the filenames? perhaps spaces are not converted to %20, or whatever, i dont know.
hmm.. it does work if i doubleclick the track in question, though..

Re:bug in

Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:48 am
this is using CVS, and it does also happen using gstreamer engine. code above listed arts, as you can see.
the files in question are on NFS.
and - unfortunately - it does not happen always , so to speak: i am not able to reproduce this at will ;(


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