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Track was not found in the musicbrainz database

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Frido Roose
Registered Member
For some reason, I always get the message \"The track was not found in the musicbrainz database\". I used these parameters with configure:

./configure --prefix=`kde-config --prefix` --enable-debug=full --enable-mysql --with-musicbrainz

I have the libtunepimp libraries as required in the readme for musicbrainz support:
ii libtunepimp-bin 0.3.0-2ubuntu5
ii libtunepimp2 0.3.0-2ubuntu5
ii libtunepimp2-dev 0.3.0-2ubuntu5

Configure also properly detects the tunepimp stuff:
checking tunepimp/tp_c.h usability... yes
checking tunepimp/tp_c.h presence... yes
checking for tunepimp/tp_c.h... yes

At the end, it gives me a summary which looks fine too:
= The following extra functionality will be included:
= + aRts-engine
= + GStreamer-engine
= + xine-engine
= + XMMS Visualization Wrapper
= + MySql support
= + Konqueror Sidebar
= + MusicBrainz Support

But for some reason, whatever track I want to lookup, it always returns this message. When I start amarok from Konsole, to see what happens, the following messages appear when I press the button to lookup using musicbrainz:

amarok: [void TagDialog::musicbrainzQuery()]
amarok: [virtual void KTRMLookup::error()] /Music/collection/m/Madonna/Madonna--Frozen.mp3

What am I missing here? Is there something broken in my libtunepimp library? I\'m using the default Ubuntu package.
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Jocke "Firetech" Andersson
Registered Member
AFAIK, noone with ubuntu and a \"manually\" compiled amaroK gets libtunepimp to work, me neither.
It disturbs me a lot, but it\'s a libtunepimp issue.

EDIT: Found this:

EDIT2: I read the above post (on ubuntuforums) and managed to get libtunepimp to work... It just doesn\'t have mp3 support by default... You\'ll have to compile it manually, with libmad-dev installed. The easiest way to do this is with apt-build. (almost complete guide is in that post...)

Post edited by: Firetech, at: 2005/08/30 23:55

Post edited by: Firetech, at: 2005/08/31 00:38

Don't care about my post count. I'm an IRC guy, occational hacker and part of roKymotion.

"I will run gentoo when pigs fly. By the time that happens, I'll have a sufficient computer."
Frido Roose
Registered Member
Thanks for the great tip (and link)... works like a charm now!
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Jocke "Firetech" Andersson
Registered Member
I\'m happy to be helpful... I solved my own problem too, right? ;)

Don't care about my post count. I'm an IRC guy, occational hacker and part of roKymotion.

"I will run gentoo when pigs fly. By the time that happens, I'll have a sufficient computer."
Frido Roose
Registered Member
I built the amarok 1.3 packages for Ubuntu Hoary, compiled against the mp3-enabled libtunepimp libraries.

You will need KDE 3.4.2 for this to work, maybe I should create some default Kubuntu build environment to make this work for everyone with the default packages.

Anyway, for people who prefer packages instead of compiling themselves, you can find them here:

EDIT: I forgot to mention that you also have to downlaod & install the recompiled libtunepimp packages of course, since they are dynamically loaded.

Post edited by: Frido, at: 2005/08/31 20:45

Post edited by: Frido, at: 2005/08/31 21:04


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