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Lots of sqlite errors(database full,no such table)

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Hi, since the other day I can\'t use amarok anymore, since it\'s failing to build the collection, and if try to play something manually amarok freezes.
I\'m using amarok-1.3.6 in gentoo. Same problem in amarok 1.2.4
The strange thing about these sqlite errors is that the last time I upgraded sqlite was in april:
Mon Apr 25 19:43:01 2005 >>> dev-db/sqlite-3.2.1-r3

I will post a list of the latest upgraded packages, maybe it gives a hint on what could be the problem, I just can\'t find anything related to amarok. I\'m sure it worked before those upgrades.

After that I will post a full output of the first run of amarok, where it seems to be lots of sqlite errors.
Any ideas?, I\'m suffering having to use other players!! ;)

Latest installed packages:
Mon Nov 28 15:16:59 2005 >>> sys-devel/binutils-2.16.1
Mon Nov 28 15:19:57 2005 >>> sys-apps/man-pages-2.13
Mon Nov 28 15:20:25 2005 >>> app-crypt/hashalot-0.3-r1
Mon Nov 28 16:45:35 2005 >>> x11-base/xorg-x11-6.8.2-r6
Mon Nov 28 16:47:26 2005 >>> sys-apps/pciutils-2.2.0-r1
Mon Nov 28 16:51:05 2005 >>> media-libs/flac-1.1.2-r3
Mon Nov 28 17:17:35 2005 >>> x11-libs/wxGTK-2.4.2-r4
Mon Nov 28 17:26:48 2005 >>> kde-misc/krecipes-0.8.1
Mon Nov 28 23:02:43 2005 >>> kde-misc/krename-3.0.9
Mon Nov 28 23:16:46 2005 >>> app-office/gnucash-1.8.11
Mon Nov 28 23:17:08 2005 >>> games-emulation/psemu-gpupetemesagl-1.76
Mon Nov 28 23:17:48 2005 >>> app-doc/chmlib-0.37.4
Mon Nov 28 23:18:57 2005 >>> www-client/opera-8.51
Mon Nov 28 23:19:19 2005 >>> app-text/docbook-sgml-dtd-4.2-r2
Mon Nov 28 23:21:16 2005 >>> dev-libs/libusb-0.1.10a
Mon Nov 28 23:23:40 2005 >>> app-crypt/gnupg-1.4.2-r3
Mon Nov 28 23:29:54 2005 >>> dev-perl/HTML-Parser-3.46
Mon Nov 28 23:30:26 2005 >>> net-www/netscape-flash-7.0.61
Tue Nov 29 09:43:26 2005 >>> net-p2p/amule-2.0.3-r4
Tue Nov 29 11:20:57 2005 >>> app-cdr/k3b-0.12.4a
Tue Nov 29 11:24:24 2005 >>> kde-base/kdemultimedia-kioslaves-3.4.1
Tue Nov 29 11:25:25 2005 >>> media-libs/sdl-sound-1.0.1-r1
Tue Nov 29 11:27:55 2005 >>> media-libs/tunepimp-0.3.0-r1
Tue Nov 29 11:39:34 2005 >>> media-libs/xine-lib-1.0.1-r4
Tue Nov 29 11:40:23 2005 >>> media-sound/vorbis-tools-1.0.1
Tue Nov 29 11:42:30 2005 >>> media-sound/qmbtagger-0.07
Tue Nov 29 11:42:50 2005 >>> www-client/opera-8.51
Tue Nov 29 19:05:57 2005 >>> media-sound/amarok-1.3.6

Full output of amaroks first run: (collection is a directory with only one song)
amaroK: [Loader] Starting amarokapp..
amaroK: [Loader] Don\'t run gdb, valgrind, etc. against this binary! Use amarokapp.
amarok: BEGIN: App::App()
amarok: BEGIN: void App::fixHyperThreading()
amarok: SCHEDAFFINITY_SUPPORT enabled. Testing to see if HT fix should be enabled...
amarok: Fix not enabled
amarok: END__: void App::fixHyperThreading() - Took 0.00091s
amarok: BEGIN: EngineBase* EngineController::loadEngine(const QString&)
amarok: [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: [X-KDE-amaroK-framework-version] == 14 and [X-KDE-amaroK-plugintype] == \'engine\' and [X-KDE-amaroK-name] != \'void-engine\' and [X-KDE-amaroK-rank] > 0
amarok: [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: [X-KDE-amaroK-framework-version] == 14 and [X-KDE-amaroK-plugintype] == \'engine\' and [X-KDE-amaroK-name] == \'void-engine\' and [X-KDE-amaroK-rank] > 0
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: libamarok_void-engine_plugin
amarok: PluginManager Service Info:
amarok: ---------------------------
amarok: name :
amarok: library : libamarok_void-engine_plugin
amarok: desktopEntryPath : amarok_void-engine_plugin.desktop
amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-plugintype : engine
amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-name : void-engine
amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-authors : (Max Howell,Mark Kretschmann)
amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-rank : 1
amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-version : 1
amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-framework-version: 14
amarok: END__: EngineBase* EngineController::loadEngine(const QString&) - Took 0.025s
amarok: BEGIN: void PlaylistWindow::init()
amarok: BEGIN: CollectionDB::CollectionDB(bool)
amarok: [CollectionDB] Available db connections: 1
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: tags
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: SELECT COUNT( url ) FROM tags LIMIT 0, 1;
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: statistics
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: SELECT COUNT( url ) FROM statistics LIMIT 0, 1;
amarok: [void CollectionDB::createTables(DbConnection*)]
amarok: [void CollectionDB::createStatsTable()]
amarok: [CollectionDB] Available db connections: 5
amarok: [Scrobbler] Couldn\'t open file: /home/fran/.kde3.4/share/apps/amarok/submit.xml
amarok: END__: CollectionDB::CollectionDB(bool) - Took 0.46s
QLayout: Adding KToolBar/mainToolBar (child of QVBox/unnamed) to layout for PlaylistWindow/PlaylistWindow
amarok: BEGIN: Creating browsers. Please report long start times!
amarok: BEGIN: ContextBrowser
amarok: [void ContextBrowser::setStyleSheet()]
amarok: BEGIN: amaroK::Color::Color(const QColor&)
amarok: [ContextBrowser] Initial Color Properties: s:60 v:255
amarok: [ContextBrowser] Unapplied Contrast: 100
amarok: [ContextBrowser] Over-compensation: 100
amarok: [ContextBrowser] Final Colour Properties: s:30 v:155
amarok: END__: amaroK::Color::Color(const QColor&) - Took 0.00071s
amarok: END__: ContextBrowser - Took 0.083s
amarok: BEGIN: CollectionBrowser
amarok: [CollectionView::CollectionView(CollectionBrowser*)]
amarok: [void CollectionView::renderView()]
amarok: END__: CollectionBrowser - Took 0.02s
amarok: BEGIN: PlaylistBrowser
amarok: END__: PlaylistBrowser - Took 0.028s
amarok: BEGIN: MediaBrowser
amarok: END__: MediaBrowser - Took 0.053s
amarok: BEGIN: FileBrowser
amarok: [StatusBar] KDE::SqueezedTextLabel, mainTextLabel: 18: 0
amarok: [StatusBar] QHBox, progressBox: 26: 0
amarok: [StatusBar] QLabel, unnamed: 18: 0
amarok: [StatusBar] QWidget, positionBox: 26: 0
amarok: [StatusBar] QWidget, unnamed: 16: 0
amarok: END__: FileBrowser - Took 0.08s
amarok: END__: Creating browsers. Please report long start times! - Took 0.27s
amarok: END__: void PlaylistWindow::init() - Took 0.82s
amarok: BEGIN: void App::applySettings(bool)
amarok: BEGIN: void App::applyColorScheme()
amarok: END__: void App::applyColorScheme() - Took 0.00071s
amarok: [void ContextBrowser::setStyleSheet()]
amarok: BEGIN: amaroK::Color::Color(const QColor&)
amarok: [ContextBrowser] Initial Color Properties: s:60 v:255
amarok: [ContextBrowser] Unapplied Contrast: 100
amarok: [ContextBrowser] Over-compensation: 100
amarok: [ContextBrowser] Final Colour Properties: s:30 v:155
amarok: END__: amaroK::Color::Color(const QColor&) - Took 0.00076s
amarok: [virtual void BrowserBar::polish()]
amarok: [WARNING!] Some browsers are insisting on a silly minimum size! 267
amarok: BEGIN: void ContextBrowser::showHome()
amarok: BEGIN: void ContextBrowser::showIntroduction()
amarok: END__: void ContextBrowser::showIntroduction() - Took 0.14s
amarok: END__: void ContextBrowser::showHome() - Took 0.14s
amarok: [BlockAnalyzer] FallTime: 300
amarok: BEGIN: QColor ensureContrast(const QColor&, const QColor&, unsigned int)
amarok: [BlockAnalyzer] bg: (155,13,230)
amarok: [BlockAnalyzer] fg: (105,92,194)
amarok: [BlockAnalyzer] DV=36: (105,92,194)
amarok: [BlockAnalyzer] DS=79: (105,92,194)
amarok: [BlockAnalyzer] DH=50: (105,92,194)
amarok: [BlockAnalyzer] (105,92,194)
amarok: [BlockAnalyzer] (105,92,194)
amarok: [BlockAnalyzer] Final: (105,92,194)
amarok: END__: QColor ensureContrast(const QColor&, const QColor&, unsigned int) - Took 0.0027s
amarok: [BlockAnalyzer] FallTime: 360
amarok: BEGIN: QColor ensureContrast(const QColor&, const QColor&, unsigned int)
amarok: [BlockAnalyzer] bg: (155,13,230)
amarok: [BlockAnalyzer] fg: (105,92,194)
amarok: [BlockAnalyzer] DV=36: (105,92,194)
amarok: [BlockAnalyzer] DS=79: (105,92,194)
amarok: [BlockAnalyzer] DH=50: (105,92,194)
amarok: [BlockAnalyzer] (105,92,194)
amarok: [BlockAnalyzer] (105,92,194)
amarok: [BlockAnalyzer] Final: (105,92,194)
amarok: END__: QColor ensureContrast(const QColor&, const QColor&, unsigned int) - Took 0.0014s
amarok: BEGIN: EngineBase* EngineController::loadEngine()
amarok: BEGIN: EngineBase* EngineController::loadEngine(const QString&)
amarok: [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: [X-KDE-amaroK-framework-version] == 14 and [X-KDE-amaroK-plugintype] == \'engine\' and [X-KDE-amaroK-name] != \'\' and [X-KDE-amaroK-rank] > 0
amarok: [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: [X-KDE-amaroK-framework-version] == 14 and [X-KDE-amaroK-plugintype] == \'engine\' and [X-KDE-amaroK-name] == \'\' and [X-KDE-amaroK-rank] > 0
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: libamarok_xine-engine
amarok: PluginManager Service Info:
amarok: ---------------------------
amarok: name : Motor xine
amarok: library : libamarok_xine-engine
amarok: desktopEntryPath : amarok_xine-engine.desktop
amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-plugintype : engine
amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-name : xine-engine
amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-authors : (Max Howell)
amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-rank : 255
amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-version : 1
amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-framework-version: 14
amarok: BEGIN: virtual bool XineEngine::init()
amarok: [xine-engine] \'Bringing joy to small mexican gerbils, a few weeks at a time.\'
amarok: [xine-engine] w00t/home/fran/.kde3.4/share/apps/amarok/xine-config
amarok: END__: virtual bool XineEngine::init() - Took 1.3s
amarok: END__: EngineBase* EngineController::loadEngine(const QString&) - Took 1.3s
amarok: END__: EngineBase* EngineController::loadEngine() - Took 1.3s
amarok: END__: void App::applySettings(bool) - Took 1.7s
amarok: END__: App::App() - Took 25s
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void CollectionDB::customEvent(QCustomEvent*)
amarok: END__: virtual void CollectionDB::customEvent(QCustomEvent*) - Took 0.00032s
amarok: [void CollectionDB::createTables(DbConnection*)]
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite_step error.
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] database is full
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tags_temp (url VARCHAR(255),dir VARCHAR(255),createdate INTEGER,album INTEGER,artist INTEGER,genre INTEGER,title VARCHAR(255),year INTEGER,comment VARCHAR(255),lyrics TEXT,track NUMERIC(4),bitrate INTEGER,length INTEGER,samplerate INTEGER,sampler BOOL );
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite_step error.
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] database is full
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE album_temp (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ,name VARCHAR(255));
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite_step error.
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] database is full
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE artist_temp (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ,name VARCHAR(255));
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite_step error.
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] database is full
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE genre_temp (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ,name VARCHAR(255));
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite_step error.
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] database is full
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE year_temp (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ,name VARCHAR(255));
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite_step error.
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] database is full
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE images_temp (path VARCHAR(255),artist VARCHAR(255),album VARCHAR(255));
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite_step error.
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] database is full
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE directories_temp (dir VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE,changedate INTEGER );
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] table amazon already exists
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: CREATE TABLE amazon ( asin VARCHAR(20), locale VARCHAR(2), filename VARCHAR(33), refetchdate INTEGER );
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: main.album_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: CREATE INDEX album_idx_temp ON album_temp( name );
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: main.artist_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: CREATE INDEX artist_idx_temp ON artist_temp( name );
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: main.genre_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: CREATE INDEX genre_idx_temp ON genre_temp( name );
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: main.year_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: CREATE INDEX year_idx_temp ON year_temp( name );
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: directories_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: REPLACE INTO directories_temp ( dir, changedate ) VALUES ( \'/home/fran/temp/amaroktest\', 1133622869 );
amarok: BEGIN: void CollectionReader::readTags(const QStrList&)
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: album_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: SELECT id, name FROM album_temp WHERE name LIKE \'Sleeping Sun (4 Ballads of the Eclipse)\';
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual int SqliteConnection::insert(const QString&, const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: album_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on insert: INSERT INTO album_temp ( name ) VALUES ( \'Sleeping Sun (4 Ballads of the Eclipse)\' );
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: artist_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: SELECT id, name FROM artist_temp WHERE name LIKE \'Nightwish\';
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual int SqliteConnection::insert(const QString&, const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: artist_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on insert: INSERT INTO artist_temp ( name ) VALUES ( \'Nightwish\' );
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: genre_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: SELECT id, name FROM genre_temp WHERE name LIKE \'Metal\';
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual int SqliteConnection::insert(const QString&, const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: genre_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on insert: INSERT INTO genre_temp ( name ) VALUES ( \'Metal\' );
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: year_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: SELECT id, name FROM year_temp WHERE name LIKE \'1999\';
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual int SqliteConnection::insert(const QString&, const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: year_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on insert: INSERT INTO year_temp ( name ) VALUES ( \'1999\' );
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual int SqliteConnection::insert(const QString&, const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: tags_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on insert: INSERT INTO tags_temp ( url, dir, createdate, album, artist, genre, year, title, comment, track, sampler, length, bitrate, samplerate ) VALUES (\'/home/fran/temp/amaroktest/01. Sleeping Sun.mp3\',\'/home/fran/temp/amaroktest\',1133622870,0,0,0,\'0\',\'Sleeping Sun\',\'\', 1 , 0,244,192,44100)
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: tags_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: SELECT DISTINCT FROM tags_temp, album_temp AS album WHERE tags_temp.dir = \'/home/fran/temp/amaroktest\' AND = tags_temp.album;
amarok: END__: void CollectionReader::readTags(const QStrList&) - Took 0.017s
amarok: [void CollectionDB::clearTables(DbConnection*)]
amarok: [KDE::ProgressBar::ProgressBar(QWidget*, QLabel*)]
amarok: [StatusBar] Creating timer for: 1updateProgressAppearance()
amarok: [StatusBar] 1updateProgressAppearance()
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual int SqliteConnection::insert(const QString&, const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: tags_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on insert: INSERT INTO tags SELECT * FROM tags_temp;
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual int SqliteConnection::insert(const QString&, const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: album_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on insert: INSERT INTO album SELECT * FROM album_temp;
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual int SqliteConnection::insert(const QString&, const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: artist_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on insert: INSERT INTO artist SELECT * FROM artist_temp;
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual int SqliteConnection::insert(const QString&, const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: genre_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on insert: INSERT INTO genre SELECT * FROM genre_temp;
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual int SqliteConnection::insert(const QString&, const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: year_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on insert: INSERT INTO year SELECT * FROM year_temp;
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual int SqliteConnection::insert(const QString&, const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: images_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on insert: INSERT INTO images SELECT * FROM images_temp;
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual int SqliteConnection::insert(const QString&, const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: directories_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on insert: INSERT INTO directories SELECT * FROM directories_temp;
amarok: [void CollectionDB::dropTables(DbConnection*)]
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: tags_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: DROP TABLE tags_temp;
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: album_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: DROP TABLE album_temp;
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: artist_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: DROP TABLE artist_temp;
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: genre_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: DROP TABLE genre_temp;
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: year_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: DROP TABLE year_temp;
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: images_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: DROP TABLE images_temp;
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite3_compile error:
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] no such table: directories_temp
amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: DROP TABLE directories_temp;
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void CollectionDB::customEvent(QCustomEvent*)
amarok: [CollectionDB] Event from CollectionReader received.
amarok: BEGIN: void ContextBrowser::showIntroduction()
amarok: END__: void ContextBrowser::showIntroduction() - Took 0.01s
amarok: BEGIN: void CollectionView::scanDone(bool)
amarok: [void CollectionView::renderView()]
amarok: END__: void CollectionView::scanDone(bool) - Took 0.0021s
amarok: END__: virtual void CollectionDB::customEvent(QCustomEvent*) - Took 0.014s
amarok: [ThreadWeaver] Job completed: CollectionReader. Jobs pending: 0
amarok: [StatusBar] Creating timer for: 1hideMainProgressBar()
amarok: [virtual KDE::ProgressBar::~ProgressBar()]
amarok: [StatusBar] 1hideMainProgressBar()
User avatar
Registered Member
Don\'t use the system sqlite, use amaroK\'s internal version. Use of the system sqlite was recently borken by some changes made by the sqlite guys, and was only recently fixed in svn.

Post edited by: oggb4mp3, at: 2005/12/05 08:01


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