Registered Member
I have just compiled amarok 1.4.0a on my OpenSuse10 box. On the first view everything looks good. But after starting amarok it only says:
detlef@fujiyama:~> amarok amaroK: [Loader] Starting amarokapp.. amaroK: [Loader] Don't run gdb, valgrind, etc. against this binary! Use amarokapp. amarok: BEGIN: App::App() amarok: BEGIN: void App::fixHyperThreading() amarok: Fix not enabled amarok: END__: void App::fixHyperThreading() - Took 0.0015s amarok: BEGIN: DeviceManager::DeviceManager() amarok: BEGIN: Medium* DeviceManager::getDevice(QString) amarok: DeviceManager: getDevice called with name argument = init amarok: BEGIN: QStringList DeviceManager::getDeviceStringList(bool) amarok: END__: QStringList DeviceManager::getDeviceStringList(bool) - Took 0.0019s amarok: END__: Medium* DeviceManager::getDevice(QString) - Took 0.0027s amarok: DeviceManager: connectDCOPSignal returned sucessfully! amarok: END__: DeviceManager::DeviceManager() - Took 0.0046s amarok: BEGIN: EngineBase* EngineController::loadEngine(const QString&) amarok: [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: [X-KDE-amaroK-framework-version] == 23 and [X-KDE-amaroK-plugintype] == 'engine' and [X-KDE-amaroK-name] != 'void-engine' and [X-KDE-amaroK-rank] > 0 amarok: [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: [X-KDE-amaroK-framework-version] == 23 and [X-KDE-amaroK-plugintype] == 'engine' and [X-KDE-amaroK-name] == 'void-engine' and [X-KDE-amaroK-rank] > 0 amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: libamarok_void-engine_plugin amarok: amarok: PluginManager Service Info: amarok: --------------------------- amarok: name : Keine Audio-Ausgabe amarok: library : libamarok_void-engine_plugin amarok: desktopEntryPath : amarok_void-engine_plugin.desktop amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-plugintype : engine amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-name : void-engine amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-authors : (Max Howell,Mark Kretschmann) amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-rank : 1 amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-version : 1 amarok: X-KDE-amaroK-framework-version: 23 amarok: amarok: END__: EngineBase* EngineController::loadEngine(const QString&) - Took 0.013s amarok: BEGIN: void PlaylistWindow::init() amarok: BEGIN: CollectionDB::CollectionDB() amarok: BEGIN: void CollectionDB::initialize() amarok: [ThreadWeaver] Creating pthread key, exit value is 0 amarok: BEGIN: SqliteConnection::SqliteConnection(const SqliteConfig*) amarok: END__: SqliteConnection::SqliteConnection(const SqliteConfig*) - Took 0.0023s amarok: [CollectionDB] This is used to handle problems from uniqueid changeover and should not do anything amarok: [CollectionDB] Podcast tables created and up to date amarok: END__: void CollectionDB::initialize() - Took 0.0095s amarok: END__: CollectionDB::CollectionDB() - Took 0.074s QLayout: Adding KToolBar/mainToolBar (child of QVBox/unnamed) to layout for PlaylistWindow/PlaylistWindow amarok: BEGIN: Creating browsers. Please report long start times! amarok: BEGIN: ContextBrowser amarok: [ContextBrowser] current browser is not context, aborting showCurrentTrack() amarok: END__: ContextBrowser - Took 2s amarok: BEGIN: CollectionBrowser amarok: [CollectionView::CollectionView(CollectionBrowser*)] amarok: BEGIN: void CollectionView::renderView(bool) amarok: current browser is not collection, aborting renderView() amarok: END__: void CollectionView::renderView(bool) - Took 0.00059s amarok: END__: CollectionBrowser - Took 0.021s amarok: BEGIN: PlaylistBrowser amarok: BEGIN: PlaylistCategory* PlaylistBrowser::loadPodcasts() amarok: END__: PlaylistCategory* PlaylistBrowser::loadPodcasts() - Took 0.0019s amarok: END__: PlaylistBrowser - Took 0.054s amarok: BEGIN: FileBrowser amarok: END__: FileBrowser - Took 0.093s amarok: [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: [X-KDE-amaroK-framework-version] == 23 and [X-KDE-amaroK-plugintype] == 'mediadevice' and [X-KDE-amaroK-rank] > 0 amarok: [MediaBrowser] mediumAdded: (true,/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_443F_FB87,sde1,40G Medium,,true,/dev/sde1,/media/usbdisk,vfat,true,,media/removable_mounted,) amarok: BEGIN: MediaDevice* MediaBrowser::loadDevicePlugin(const QString&) amarok: END__: MediaDevice* MediaBrowser::loadDevicePlugin(const QString&) - Took 0.00027s amarok: END__: Creating browsers. Please report long start times! - Took 2.3s amarok: END__: void PlaylistWindow::init() - Took 2.7s amarok: BEGIN: UrlLoader amarok: BEGIN: UrlLoader::UrlLoader(const KURL::List&, QListViewItem*, bool) amarok: [KDE::ProgressBar::ProgressBar(QWidget*, QLabel*)] amarok: END__: UrlLoader::UrlLoader(const KURL::List&, QListViewItem*, bool) - Took 0.036s amarok: BEGIN: void App::applySettings(bool) amarok: [virtual void BrowserBar::polish()] amarok: [WARNING!] Some browsers are insisting on a silly minimum size! 306 amarok: BEGIN: virtual void ThreadWeaver::Thread::run() KCrash: Application 'amarokapp' crashing... QColor::setRgb: RGB parameter(s) out of range amarokapp: Fatal IO error: client killed amarok: BEGIN: virtual CollectionDB::~CollectionDB() amarok: [CollectionDB] Running VACUUM amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] [virtual QStringList SqliteConnection::query(const QString&)] sqlite_step error. amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] database is locked amarok: [CollectionDB] [ERROR!] on query: VACUUM; amarok: END__: virtual CollectionDB::~CollectionDB() - Took 0.0025s amarok: [virtual EngineController::~EngineController()] What happend with amarok Doesn't it work on OpenSuse10? regards Detlef |
Registered Member
I had same problem under OpenSuSE 10.1. I made some changes, reinstalled, rebooted and it worked. I don't know exactly where was the problem but I think it could be in uncopatible color theme or something like that. One of changes that I made was deleting content of ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/ where are schemes and other settings,... that could help. I installed a unistalled some libs too but I don't remeber which so you can try something if deleting settings wont help.
Registered Member
I tried removing ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/ but that doesn't help. |
Registered Member
can you post the configure parameters, that you've used to build amarok. I can't see any engine loaded, but the null engine. You can also try to disconnect your USB disk before starting amarok. Or is your music stored on this 40GB device? Then you probably have a problem with sqlite. I've SUSE 10.1 and a half running here with xine engine and it works fine Greetings m0nk
If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.
Registered Member
The there has been some musik on my usb-hd, but now I removed the disk and all amarok-settings. Now there nothing written about usb-devices during startup. Attached I'll post my config.log regards Detlef PS: I had to split the log because only 128k are allowed... |
Registered Member
Okay, nachdem ich jetzt dein config.log gelesen habe:
libtunepimp-devel fehlt deine libgpod könnte zu alt sein (version >=0.3.2?) configure bringt Fehler deine xine-lib? Von wo ist die? Aktuell ist 1.1.1 MySQL und postgreSQL sind ausgeschaltet und du verwendest die interne sqlite engine. (ich benutze externe Bibliotheken 3.3.5) Deine taglib, welche Version? (weil in /usr/local) aktuell SuSE 1.4 Ist deine USB-HD ein iPod oder von iRiver? Ich glaube nicht. Versuch amarok mal hiermit zu übersetzen: ./configure --prefix=/opt/kde3 --without-helix --without-libgpod --without-mp4v2 --disable-mysql --disable-postgresql --disable-debug --disable-final --without-gstreamer10 --without-xmms Greetings m0nk
If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.
Registered Member
I've written it german. Sorry m0nk
If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.
Registered Member
I tried it with the mentioned configure, but that did'n help
ciao Detlef PS: German is no problem for me (its my native language), but I'll continue in english, so others might be able to read this too. |
Registered Member
Hi again,
so perhaps you can tell me, what happened: Aren't you able to compile or is it still crashing? I would send you my src.rpm, but my configure is different. I don't use amarok's version of sqlite, no mysql, no postgresql, and patches for modplug. But if you change the configure options, it should work for you. Greetings m0nk
If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.
Registered Member
perhaps a more clean solution: Try the rpms from here: with their dependencies. Greetings m0nk
If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.
Registered Member
im getting the same error on slackware 10.2, none of the posted solutions seem to be working...
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