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Dynamic Collection switching between usb-massstorage<->samba

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Until now I used to have my collection on a external HD.
Now I bought a OpenWRT-Router with USB-Ports where I installed samba and made it share the harddisk when i plug it in. Same on my Notebook: I made Network Manager mounting the share at the same location where it got mounted before (/media/MUSIK). After this I backed up my settings-folder and hoped that Amarok would recognize it as the same Collection but It failed. Then I found the tip in the wiki that I have to add it to my fstab with the noauto option but this didn't help either. When I opened the settings-dialog of amarok I noticed that the folder wasn't checked anymore so I activated it and tried a rescan but this let the collection-scanner hang.
A new amarok-profile helped as long as I used the hd at the router. When I plugged the harddisk again direct to my notebook, the collection hid again so I reverted the backup. But what I want is to use it as a network-share when I'm in my network (so that I can use it wireless) and as usb-disk when i'm at another place (which happens often)

I suppose this is because amarok identifies the devices with the device-id which makes both shares differ.
Any ideas how to bypass this without loosing the collection if amarok tries to scan the collection if the disk is disconnected?


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