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Looking for logs in all the wrong places...

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I'm running Ubuntu 7.04 F Fawn using gnome.  Amarok 1.4.5, with NJB and MTP support installed from repositories.
My crashes are related to moving files across to the Zen V device attached to USB.  Most of the time it works...
I have had crashes sending mp3's from different artists and from different sources.  I'm thinking there is something wrong with the file or with the metadata tags.  I think mp3's that were created on my computer are ok but have no way to determine this for sure. 
So my question; Is there a place where Amarok will write a crash log?  If not is there a simple way for a nonprogrammer type to do this?
If nothing else how can I change the default email app to Thunderbird since I do not run Kmail? 


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