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Collection by added in last day not working correctly

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Hi.  I'm currently using amarok-1.4.7-2.fc7 (Fedora 7).

Sometime within the last few months, I'd say, the "Added ..." filters seemed to stop working as expected when looking at my collection.  For example, if I choose "Added Today", I see many more songs than possibly makes sense.  Initially, it looked like it was hundreds when I expected the handful I added today.  I just did a rescan of my collection, and now my entire collection is considered added today!  Is this the expected behavior?  It looks like the rescan updated the ctime of every file.  Is that normal?  It doesn't seem like older versions worked that way.  I would expect only new files and I suppose those where the ID3 info changed would be listed.  (It'd be nice if Amarok could distinguish between those two cases, actually.)

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It has worked this way since the feature was implemented, and I find it quite annoying myself.  Doing a rescan should not trigger it, but if you do anything to touch the file outside of Amarok, edit tags, rename it, it will show up as added today.  We talked pretty extensively about this, and iirc there was no real way to work around it as mtime and atime are no help either.  None of them record the original creation date of the file.  The solution is really to implement it through the database rather than read the timestamp of the file, and at the moment no one is working on 1.4.x branch because 2.0 is well under way.
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That's interesting.  I could have sworn I'd never seen it behave like this.  I don't add to my collection very often, but when I did it was always pretty reliable about only showing the new ones.  I guess I could go back and try older versions to see if I'm imagining things....  Thanks.


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