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mixing hard-coded and self-made playlists

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Hello :)

Some time ago I started using dynamic playlists instead of one big 10000-songs playlist.

I'm actively discovering new bands so I get new albums every week. I'd like to hear all this new stuff, but rather mixed with the "most played" tracks than all at once.

So I created a new smart playlist "The newest" where I put 2 rules (match all):
1) Modified date is in the last 7 days
2) Play counter is smaller than 1

In order to mix it with other great stuff, I made a dynamic playlist "The newest and greatest" in which I marked smart playlists "Collection -> Most Played" and my "The newest".

Now I see quite rarely the new files appearing in playlist. Even though I have quite many songs wih 10+ play count, there are still songs with 1-2 play count appearing in playlist quite often.

My questions are:
1) Can the hard-coded playlists be examined some other way than looking at C code?
2) How are the 2 playlists being mixed - which of them has more weight or is it 50:50?
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1) They will be sql queries of some sort within the C source, if that helps to narrow down! There are certain debugs that can be enabled to watch queries, but someone with more experience there would have to help you with those.

2) I *think* the weighting is 50/50 for multiple playlists as source, alternating between the two - you could probably test using some playlists where the contents are fixed - one large, the other small. What should happen, is the tracks on the small playlist will repeat more often than the large one, and dispersed evenly.
If there's weighting based on the size of a playlist, then the dispersion will favour the large playlist. It's been a while since I mucked around with dynamic playlists, and I can't quite remember which it is. Off the top of my head, there was some work done on it a few versions ago to improve randomness when using multiple sources.

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2) I now loaded only "The newest" playlist and it's exactly what I'd expect it to be. But mixed with "The greatest", I see these tracks so rarely that I can even say that I don't see them there. So I don't think it's 50:50, but rather weighted according to the count of tracks in playlists :(
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Guess that answers the question then! Maybe you could narrow down "the greatest" to "the TRULY greatest"? ;)

"There are two theories to arguing with women. Neither one works."
If men could get pregnant, we'd learn the true meaning of "screaming nancyboy wuss"


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