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SQLite -> MySQL migration help

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SQLite -> MySQL migration help

Sat Sep 22, 2007 6:08 pm
Ok, what i am trying to do is take my sqlite database for Amarok and put it into mysql. I have got a backup and everything from my sqlite database and when i go to import it through phpmyadmin it returns the error: Column 'deviceid' cannot be null

i looked into my backup of sql lite and what it does it has an table with all your drives in it and gives it a number. then when it stores each music file it associates it with the correct drive number. what it looks like it did was set the 'deviceid' to NULL if amarok can no longer find the file in the path associated to the file and my question is, is there anyway to have that field except NULL??

in the sqlite file this query is ran to create the 'statistics' table where the error first occurs:

Code: Select all
CREATE TABLE statistics (url VARCHAR(996),deviceid INTEGER,createdate INTEGER,accessdate INTEGER,percentage FLOAT,rating INTEGER DEFAULT 0,playcounter INTEGER,uniqueid VARCHAR(32) UNIQUE,deleted BOOL DEFAULT 0,PRIMARY KEY(url, deviceid) );

now in phpmyadmin, when i do an import this is the line it stops at (the null is in bold):

Code: Select all
INSERT INTO statistics VALUES ( './Music/A.F.I/Decemberunderground/01 - AFI - Prelude 12_21 - Decemberunderground.mp3', NULL , 3257578203, 3257578203, 100.0, 10, 17, NULL , 0 );

like i said is there anyway around this without having to pick through every little bit of text and manually edit it? has almost 6,000 songs so it could take a while

(take it easy on my taste of music  :biggrin: )


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