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"Local file does not exist" in playlist, filenames/paths contain accents

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Hi all,

Having a problem with several items in my collection. When I add them they'll play the first time, but then after restarting amarok, the items will be gray, and amarok will complain saying "Local file does not exist."

Here is my environment:

Amarok 1.4.5 supplied by Fedora 7 using Postgres 8.2.5 locally
Files are stored on a vfat drive (for portability).

The files affected contain accents in the pathnames...yet some work fine, some don't...

works: path = ~/musicdrive/iTunes Music/Glay/drive/02 誘惑 (yuuwaka).m4a)
works: path = ~/musicdrive/iTunes Music/Zebda/Unknown Album/Motivé.mp3
does not work: ~/musicdrive/mus/Los Aterciopelados/Caribe Atómico/05 Miénteme.m4a

Thing is though, nearly -all- of the files with accents anywhere in the path or filenames are marked gray after startup---some work, some don't.

Any ideas on how to make it all work?


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