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Amarok Oddity - No Really, This is Odd. Ipod 5th Gen Video, Black

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Okay, I am trying to use Amarok to load songs/videos onto my iPod 30 Gig 5th Gen (black).  I know from this and other forums that there are some issues with this working correctly if at all.  However, I believe I've discovered something new.

I first went to iTunes (Windows) and completely cleaned off my iPod.  Nothing left.  Zilch. Then I added two podcasts from iTunes as a starting base.  I closed Windows, rebooted, launched Kubuntu then finally Amarok.

Amarok loaded fine and the iPod mounted correctly except for the prompt where it asked me if can it remove the locked iTunesDB etc, etc, etc.  I clicked "Yes" as usual.  I then synced two other podcasts and an album from Mercy Me.  Amarok looked like it was doing its job as I say the status bar state "Transferring" and it ended by flushing the memory.  I seleted "disconnect"  (which always ejects my cd drive for some reason) then disconnected my iPod.

As usual, nothing.  None of the new podcasts were on my iPod.  Only the ones initially sent by iTunes.  This is not unusual as I've not gotten Amarok to work correctly up to this point anyway (been trying for a week now).

Anyway, I decided to launch gtkpod-aac to see if I could do anything there and lo and behold, there are all the podcasts and tracks that I transferred from Amarok.  The new ones.  Not the ones from iTunes but the new ones from Amarok. What?Huh  I don't get it........Huh?  Gtkpod could see these tracks on my iPod but Amarok could not.  Even the iPod itself does not show them.

So...that's the oddity.  The tracks are there as confirmed by gtkpod but neither the iPod itself nor Amarok can see them.  Of course, since I can't see them on the iPod I can't play them either.

If anyone has any suggestions I'd be very appreciative.

Registered Member
...and I just discovered that all the medial files (music or video) have been renamed to something that makes no sense at all.  For example, my ABC News video podcast was renamed f04/kpod0284204.m4v.  This file resides on my iPod but, none-the-less, my iPod can not nor see/play it.

By the way, I'm using Konqueror to view the files on my iPod.

Any ideas?

Registered Member
I found a way to make the music files transfer with no problem.  However, no podcast files will transfer.  Neither audio nor video.  I'm pretty stumped on that one.  I did notice that some of the video files have no tags (artist, track, etc...are blank) and I can't enter data manually (protected).

Any ideas>>>???


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