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Odd Colletion Update [Solved]

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Odd Colletion Update [Solved]

Sun Dec 16, 2007 2:54 am
I've been adding my collection of music to Amarok and I just came across a real odd behavior.

I'll start out by outlining my steps:
1) Create directory with artists name.
2) Create subdirectory with album title name.
3) Copy ripped MP3 files into subdirectory.
4) In Amarok Tools, I click Update Collection
5) Add new songs to play list.

This has been going fine until I got to my Taproot CD. Amarok won't add it to the collection. I tried to Rescan the collection, retried the Update Collection but it just won't add the new music. Here's the listing of files:
Code: Select all
:/usr/music/Taproot/Blue-Sky Research$ ls

01-I Will Not Fall For You.mp3
02-Violent Seas.mp3
06-Forever Endeavor.mp3
07-April Suits.mp3
08-Lost In The Woods.mp3
09-So Eager.mp3
13-Blue-Sky Research %2f Whats Left.mp3

I ripped another CD and using the same directory structure style and Amarok added the files when I clicked Update Collection. Oh, and this other CD has a '/' (%2f) character in one of the track names also.

Since that worked, I tried deleting the Taproot directory, adding a new directory named something different and putting the files back, but still nothing. I checked the META information of the mp3 files and they're fine. They're the same as all my other ripped mp3 files. I can play the files, so I know they're OK. But this is just really perplexing that Amarok won't add this particular album. Is there any way to force the files into the collection?

I'm using version 1.4.5.

Last edited by WPhyer on Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Odd Colletion Update [Solved]

Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:49 am
Well, I got the artist Taproot into the collection.

I renamed the Artist data in the Meta Info for all the files from "Taproot" to "Tap".

Did an Update Collection and Amarok pulled in the new files. From there, I used Amarok to edit the tracks and rename the artist from "Tap" back to "Taproot".

I guess there's some code in the program that prevents the update if the meta data has "root" in it. Malicious code fix?

Anyway, everything appears to be back to normal.


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