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Can't Rewiend & Reverse + Equalizer problems

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When i Want to play a long song mabye pink floyds echoes i wan't sometimes to go from 30 sek to mabye 2 min (120 sek) But Amarok 1.4.8 won't let men go to the middle or the end of the song it's just Freezes. The sound stops and after few sek it starts playing again from about 30 sek into the song it has always been that way every time (and version of Amarok)i have that problem about moving around in a song so you can't go quickly to 2 min, in a song you have to wait 2 min

The equalizer is verry sensitive when i adjust the treble it vil many time make som frekvens in the bass be enhanced or decreased by mabye 0.5-2db and the same with the bass (and midrange)when it is enhanced or decreased  it vil effect the high frequencys they would also bee either decreased or enhanced according to the display that show how aggressiv you addjust the sound with the equalizer, that makes it verry difficuilt to addjusting the sound with verry small steps ,to make fine addjustments! I use kubuntu 7.10 (7.04 upgraded to 7.10)

Last edited by Kubuntu on Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:29 am, edited 1 time in total.


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