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Can't find MusicBrainz option

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Can't find MusicBrainz option

Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:47 pm
Hi there,

I'm midway through from migrating across from Win98 to Ubuntu 7.10, and have started moving my music across (all ogg files so far).  I have installed Amarok 1.4.7 using KDE 3.5.8 from the repository, but so far have been unable to find the MusicBrainz integration.

I have the following (related) packages installed:

amarok 2:1.4.7-0ubuntu3
amarok-engines 2:1.4.7-0ubuntu3
amarok-xine 2:1.4.7-0ubuntu3
libtunepimp5 0.5.3-4ubuntu2
libtunepimp5-mp3 0.5.3-4ubuntu2

Is there something I'm missing or overlooking? If I click on an album or track, I can manually edit the album/track tags, but there doesn't seem to be any option to pull the data from elsewhere.

Thanks for your help.

Xiong Chiamiov
Registered Member

Re: Can't find MusicBrainz option

Sun Jan 06, 2008 6:23 am
Are you sure you've got 1.4.7?  1.4.8 is the latest, and that should be what's installed from the repos.  Anyway, I don't think I have any more packages installed than you do, but it is of note that you can only see the buttons when you're editing details for one track.

Re: Can't find MusicBrainz option

Thu Jan 10, 2008 5:30 am
Xiong Chiamiov wrote:Are you sure you've got 1.4.7?  1.4.8 is the latest, and that should be what's installed from the repos.  Anyway, I don't think I have any more packages installed than you do, but it is of note that you can only see the buttons when you're editing details for one track.

Well, you can use MusicBrainz to help you edit track by track, but there is another MusicBrainz integration. Once you have started playing any track, look at the Context > Music tab, and look to the upper right. There you will see an odd little brain logo, which you can click to get that album info in MusicBrainz. It will open up in a browser window, not within Amarok itself.

This is often helpful if you have lots of editing to do. The more you can do at the album level, the less work you have to do on each track. Also, if the album info is correct (matches MusicBrainz), the MusicBrains button in the edit screen is more likely to find the exact track info you want.



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