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Can't play streams in playlist ("No suitable demux plugin")

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I am on a little-bitty Asus Eee PC 2G Surf (512MB RAM, 2GB hard drive, 4GB SD card, Xandros Linux) which happily came with Amarok installed!

I'm really pleased with Amarok (in fact I wish I had it on my Mac now).  I am able to play streams when I click on a link and Firefox sends the info to Amarok.  But  when I add a stream to my playlist by Add > Radio Stream and pasting the very same URL (ie:, I get the "No suitable demux plugin" error when I try to play it.

I researched this and found instructions saying to install libxine-extracodecs and/or libxine1-ffmpeg.  'install libxine-extracodecs' tells me to use the libxine1-ffmpeg, and 'install libxine1-ffmpeg' says it's already installed. I also tried deleting the .xine directory as per instructions in another forum.  None of this has made any difference.

What am I doing wrong?


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