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restoring collection on mounted devices...

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Hi there!

I've recently updated amaroK (xine) 1.4.7 to 1.4.8 on an ubuntu Gutsy machine.
Before I did so I backed up my .kde/share/apps/amarok folder, although I never had any trouble by updating amarok.
...well, until now:
My collection aswell as my ratings were lost.

Then I was relieved that I made a backup. So I replaced the collection.db
...but still no collection/ratings!!!

I've searched this forum, but I couldn't find the answer. The best help I found so far is this topic. I've downloaded the SqLitebrowser and roughly compared my backup with a new amarok collection of the same folders. In contrast to the topic above everything under "Browse Database/devices" seems to be the same, but when I switch to "Browse database/statistics" the url of the files and the device are wrong.

I'll try to give an example:

(Note: my music is on a secondary HDD and mounted in "mnt/alpha")

| database| url of file| device
| old one| ./Musik/some.mp3| 8
| new one| ./mnt/alpha/Musik/some.mp3| -1

So although the new collection even says device 8 is "mnt/alpha", it is unable to restore the collection from backup. It seems like it doesn't use the devices at all, as it now simply states the url including the mountpoint and sets the device to -1.

Did anyone experience a similar problem?

As I've got a rather large collection and rated a lot, I really need some help to restore it.
Registered Member
...okay, without any reason it works now.

I've copied the old collection database over the new one and rescanned the entire collection. Without the rescan amarok was unable to find any music. Afterwards it took several restarts until some ratings appeared.

The rescanned database still has those "device -1" entries and looks very different to the old one. However it seems to associate the old ratings to the right songs.
Registered Member

I also have the problem of a failed import of my music ratings:
I upgraded from Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE3 / Amarok 1.4.9 to Kubuntu 8.10 with KDE4 / Amarok 1.4.10. (Amarok only made a minor tiny version upgrade). The kubuntu upgrade failed miserably, the upgrade command removed all my packages without installing new ones... It left me with a shell and I only could back up my home directory. So I have ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/ and also ~/.kde/share/config/amarokrc, so I think I have all that is needed for a successful restore of all my ratings (which I care extremely) and lyrics (which I do not care at all).

I remounted my music to the same location, started, restored both ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/ and ~/.kde/share/config/amarokrc, and indeed,
* amarok 1.4.10 finds my files (but only if i select the directories in the tree-view again, it did not remember this!)
* amarok re-associates ALL covers with the albums
* amarok re-associates about 30% of all ratings, which is very WIERD. It does so album-wise, so either all tracks of an album have the correct ratings or no track does.

I rescanned the collection a few times and restarted amarok a few times as well, but the recovery quote of the rating does not improve (as some other authors in the forum suggest).

You edited the database manually and succeeded. I have never done this, so can you post me an exact direction how to recover the rest of my ratings? What programmes would i have to install and what commands to issue on the databases?

I'll also create a new thread for this, just to be sure more people read it...

thanx, sulla
Registered Member
I checked the SQ Lite "collection.db" database of amarok (with a SQLite Editor), and under "statistics" every file has its rating, everything seems correct. The path names are changed somewhat, however.

Still, amarok displays only about 30% of all ratings. Hm... What could I do?

I also observe that most device-IDs have changed from 12 to -1 in my case.

and ideas anyone?

regards, sulla


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