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Amarok strangeness

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Amarok strangeness

Wed Feb 06, 2008 6:57 pm
Hello there, I'm fairly new to Linux in general (using about 2 months now) and I just discovered Amarok. I think that it is a fantastic media player to which nothing I've seen on any platform compares. That being said I've experienced some weirdness and wanted to see if there are solutions to these problems or if they are a result of my lack of knowledge/experience etc. I've tried googling as well as searching this forum and the Ubuntu forums but I couldn't find my specific issues. As background, I am running Amarok under Ubuntu Gutsy using Gnome.

Cover Manager: right clicking a cover and saying "unset cover" does nothing. To unset a cover I must hunt the picture down, delete it and rescan my collection. How can I get the intended functionality?

Tagging issues: I have many .m4a files with strange tags. I understand Amarok doesn't edit these tags and that's fine. I'm using Ex Facto to edit tags. The problem is that after the tags are edited I have one hell of a time getting Amarok to update its database. Updating or Rescanning the collection does nothing. The only way I am able to get the files into Amarok with the new tags is to delete or move the files then remove duplicate and dead files via the tools menu and then drag the folder to Amarok (recanning does nothing, the files are just gone).

Whats up?
Is it because I'm using gnome instead of KDE?
Am I missing something?
Is Amarok broken (I sure hope not)?

Thanks for any information.
Registered Member

Re: Amarok strangeness

Thu May 22, 2008 9:27 pm
I'm having the same problem with unseting covers, and I'm on KDE, so that you're running gnome shouldn't be the issue.
As I don't use m4a-files I can't tell you anything there.

There is an open bug report (BugZilla) on the cover issue, so hopefully it's looked into.


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