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How to back everything up

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Luke Drillhead
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How to back everything up

Sun Apr 27, 2008 1:14 am
I've installed a program named Keep in Ubuntu to back everything I need up.  My music files themselves is a no brainer.  Those are all in directories in my Music directory.  However, where are Amarok's information files stored?  I'm sure they must create files when I do things like create a playlist or a dynamic playlist.  Amarok also somehow tracks stats on how often files are played and so forth.  Where are they? 

I'm using a PC whose sole purpose is to act as my juke box.  So it's got, Ubuntu, Amarok, and Keep -- that's all I need.  The bottom line is I want to be able to restore Amarok and my music collection exactly as it was before.  I've got an external hard drive for backing stuff up.  Now I just need to know exactly what to back up so that I can get everything back exactly as it was before. 

Any help is appreciated. 
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Re: How to back everything up

Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:26 am
a quick search of this forum would give you the answer many times over...

try ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/ and ~/.kde/share/config/amarokrc

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