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Organize File... filename format parsed incorrectly

Tags: None
(comma "," separated)
Registered Member
I have a problem with the following format: %folder/%initial/%theartist - %title.%filetype
The %initial part should be the first letter of the artist name.
The problem is that on some files, it always gives "V", no matter what artist name I enter. Also I've noticed, that if I add %albumartist%, it gives me "Various Artists" for that song. But there is no "Album Artist" tag in "Tags" tab... :(

Any ideas how to fix this?

I've attached two screenshots, one of the song's "Tags" dialog, the other of the "Organize file" dialog.
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The %Albumartist tag is, I believe, to help those people who have tagged with other applications that DO use that particular tag, so at some stage, probably the tracks you're trying to organise have been tagged elsewhere with the "Various Artists" albumartist tag. Obviously the %initial tag is grabbing the initial letter from the album artist, so for those corner cases where this is the causes mis-filing, I'd suggest manually entering the directory name you want to use to organise the music in to.
I do this - if I have a Various Artists album I want to organise, I use
Code: Select all
%folder/Compilations/%theartist - %title.%filetype

(note plain text "Compilations" rather than a %tag).

I don't think this situation is likely to be changed in Amarok 1.4.x - but hopefully 2.0.x will allow even more flexibility.

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