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Database entry dupe when wanting to remove from "Various"

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Hi. I tired the new shiny amarok 2.2rc1 today, and I like it. One thing - all albums of one artist have separate folder on my HDD, called "artistname - albumname year" and only one of the albums was properly assigned to the artist, rest of them was "Various artists". There was an easy solution for this, "Do not show under Various artists" option. All of the albums were successfuly aligned to the artist after that, but one album.

After running "amarok --debug" That's what I get after selecting that option in the right-click menu:
Code: Select all
amarok: BEGIN: void Meta::SqlAlbum::setCompilation(bool)
amarok:    [WARNING!] NOT-IMPLEMENTED:  void Meta::SqlAlbum::setCompilation(bool)

amarok:    User selected album as non-compilation
amarok:    [ERROR!] GREPME MySQL query failed! Duplicate entry 'Issues-1' for key 'albums_name_artist'  on  "UPDATE albums SET artist = 1 WHERE id = 3;"
amarok:   BEGIN: virtual void Dynamic::BiasedPlaylist::recalculate()
amarok:   END__: virtual void Dynamic::BiasedPlaylist::recalculate() - Took 2.9e-05s
amarok:   BEGIN: void CollectionTreeView::slotExpand(const QModelIndex&)
amarok:      modelindex =  QModelIndex(0,0,0x1666320,CollectionTreeItemModel(0x1665dd0) )
amarok:      m_filterModel ?  true
amarok:   END__: void CollectionTreeView::slotExpand(const QModelIndex&) - Took 0.00017s
amarok: END__: void Meta::SqlAlbum::setCompilation(bool) - Took 0.00076s
amarok: BEGIN: void CollectionTreeView::slotExpand(const QModelIndex&)
amarok:    modelindex =  QModelIndex(0,0,0x34374d0,CollectionTreeItemModel(0x1665dd0) )
amarok:    m_filterModel ?  true
amarok: END__: void CollectionTreeView::slotExpand(const QModelIndex&) - Took 0.00016s

Looks like there's a dupe entry somewhere inn Amarok's MySQL databse. How can I check it? And how do I open mysql databases?
Registered Member
In 2.2 stable, I don't even have an option to remove an album from Various - It only allows me to add to playlist, replace playlist, edit track details or copy to collection.
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Dieter Schroeder
Registered Member
Which distribution?
Normally there must be an entry. (It's present here, at least).
Perhaps you should save your *statistics* tables from $HOME/.kde/share/apps/amarok/mysqle/amarok. Remove the folder and do a full scan. After having finished, close amarok and move your statistics tables back.
Of course you can start the database without amarok, but that's not recommended:
cd $HOME/.kde/share/apps/amarok and type
Code: Select all
/usr/sbin/mysqld --defaults-file=`pwd`/my.cnf --default-storage-engine=MyISAM --datadir=`pwd`/mysqle --socket=`pwd`/sock --skip-grant-tables --skip-innodb

Open a second console, and type
Code: Select all
mysql -S ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/sock

From now on, you're on your own. Means, you should have some SQL knowledge.

Normally the "Various artist" issue would happen, if the album artist tag differs from the artist tag.
So use a real masstagger, like kid3 or easytag.


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