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Amaro(c)k(s)! But I miss a few minor things..

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it's "ssh -X" afaik
I'm not at my computer ATM, but if I remember correctly there is a shortcuts dialog.

There is but that option's missing that was my whole point

If there isn't, you can use KHotKeys to fire off DCOP commands to amaroK. I have 3 of those extra keys (WWW, Mail, Search) and I have them mapped to previous, play/pause and next. So I can control amaroK in almost any application.

I haven't looked into the dcop commands amaroK offers but I'd be willing to bet that this isn't one of them because it makes no sense as you need an additional argument (*which* song you want to queue) that is nearly impossible to guess when addressing amaroK using dcop.
Sorry about that rather unfriendly posting, it's late and I really need sleep. I didn't want to snap at you. :unsure:

Actually with khotkeys2 it would make sense to include such options which then query the currently marked item and apply the action on that but it'd probably take more effort than it's worth


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