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Amaro(c)k(s)! But I miss a few minor things..

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I was pleasantly surprised after typing ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge amarok on my gentoo box. What a great app! (as soon as you discover the music manager and disable the main player screen :) ) Just what I was looking for!

I do however have a few minor remarks.
1. I miss a tag where I can store playlists. I like to keep a small collection of playlists beside my music collection, to easily start a fitting sub-selection at a given time without much clicking. I would be nice to be able to manage them "a la juk". I know that with a few clicks I can save and load playlists but nevertheless it would be a great enhancement if a tag was added for this.
2. In the information screen for a track it would be nice to have more options with the "Albums by this artist" info. For instance the same rightclick dialog as with a track/album in the collection browser, Thus enabling the immediate playback of an entire album instead of just enqueing it upon click.
3. In the helpfile there is mention of an album art downloader. In my amarok the is no such action under the action button,... would be really nice :) I managed to dl arbum art with the program "albumart" though.

- How about cd ripping in amarok? The KDE framework could be used?
- How about CD burning? K3b
In addition to the above I would recommend enabling the player control buttons + volume control in the playlist manager by default. I was a bit of a discovery for me after a bit of toying around etc.
Oh yes, forgot.

The commandline options for playlist control will not work from a ssh login, due to the fact that it cannot connect to the X-server...
KDE Developer
use ssh -x :-)

Mike Diehl
Registered Member
3. In the helpfile there is mention of an album art downloader. In my amarok the is no such action under the action button,... would be really nice I managed to dl arbum art with the program "albumart" though.

This would me my fault, cvs had this feature but it was decided that for legal reasons the album cover downloader was removed. The current handbook has this part removed, sorry for the confusion.

muesli wrote:
use ssh -x :-)


Doesn't work for me alas (Same error message)
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Max Howell
[code:1]> ssh --help

-X Enable X11 connection forwarding.
-x Disable X11 connection forwarding (default).[/code:1]

Use big X.
Tim Middleton
looks like the dcop interface will work via ssh... if you use the --user parameter.

dcop --user login_name amarok player nowPlaying

dcop --user login_name amarok player pause
dcop --user login_name amarok player play

dcop --user login_name amarok player addMedia file_name

Those are the ones i just tested anyhow...

for list of commands:
dcop --user login_name amarok player
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KDE Developer
(edit: was correcting SSH command, did not see 2nd pages of comments.)

Post edited by: eean, at: 2004/06/29 06:03

Amarok Developer
a) I love amaroK - best audio player I've ever used
b) I love small forums where you don't have to register - most times it's simply too much hassle
c) I support everything the first post says and wanted to add:

- *more shortcuts* - especially for play as next (q as in xmms perhaps) (almost forgot that - long live non-linear editing =)

- if I drag the time slider (that thingy which shows the current position in a track) it bounces back to its old position if the mouse pointer is outside the bounds of the position bar. (e.g. I want to restart a track by clicking on the slider and dragging the mouse to the far left - I'm doing it that way in xmms - but in amaroK the song simply goes on)

- it would be nice if the collection sidebar was styled the way the context sidebar is - it looks much nicer

- how can I stop searches without restarting amaroK?

- fuzzy search as juk has it

- as you already have crossfade fade in/out when starting/stopping playback would be nice

- horizontal volume slider

- no request I just used undo for the first time - I don't no which/if other players have it but it's brilliant =)

thx for listening to my ramblings :laugh:
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KDE Developer
nutshell42 wrote:
- it would be nice if the collection sidebar was styled the way the context sidebar is - it looks much nicer

Can you elaborate on this? You mean using html for rendering? Interesting idea. Question is if we can make a treeview with html, and still have good usability.

- how can I stop searches without restarting amaroK?

In the works.


Post edited by: markey, at: 2004/07/06 14:55

Mark Kretschmann - Amarok Developer
Can you elaborate on this? You mean using html for rendering? Interesting idea. Question is if we can make a treeview with html, and still have good usability.

Hmm I didn't know the context tab was in html which probably makes context menus a bit more complicated =)

The idea was that you have a list (in the style of the context tab lists e.g. Favorite Tracks) of your (e.g. artist - would be nice if there was also the number how often you have played songs from that artists it's not really necessary though). When you click on it you get a box "current ", "favorite songs in this " (like the currently and a second one " by this " or a list of songs if there's no secondaries. As soon as you select a secondary you additionally get a "Tracks on this " but retain the other boxes. When you actually play a song the box remains the same but it now also shows the current track and the first/last played, # of plays info - the artist/etc. name stays a link to get back to the point where you had only selected a primary while the track name/info is no link as I don't see where it should link to. (Therefore if you have primary=artist and secondary=album and currently play a song you get more or less the same overview as today)

It would also be nice if the Current Track" link could be replaced with something like home -> current -> current

Other idea would be that hovering over the album images gives me a popup with the image in full size (like the info popup of the systray which shows the small image song length etc but only with the image)

And please think about a shortcut for "play as next" :P
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Max Howell
Shortcut for play as next, CTRL - right click. Has been this since forever.

I don't really understand what you mean by the rest.
Ctrl+Right Click is nice and all but having to use the mouse somewhat defeats the purpose of having a shortcut in the first place

The rest was an elaboration on my idea of using the context interface for the collection as markey requested
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KDE Developer
I'm not at my computer ATM, but if I remember correctly there is a shortcuts dialog. If there isn't, you can use KHotKeys to fire off DCOP commands to amaroK. I have 3 of those extra keys (WWW, Mail, Search) and I have them mapped to previous, play/pause and next. So I can control amaroK in almost any application.

Amarok Developer


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