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Fish! :D

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Fish! :D

Tue Sep 07, 2004 10:13 pm
Thank you for including the full KDE kio's in the latest betas. I can now listen to my mp3s from anywhere I can ssh from. I put my files on my home server, and normally just scp'd the ones I wanted to listen to, then delete them afterwards (this is a work machine, afterall.) Now, I can pull over the 'Net and not have to worry about the touchy subject of having copyrighted material on my work machine. (All our ripped from my own CDs anyways, and can not be gotten without scp/ssh, but putting a copy on my work machine pushes copyright allowances.)

Anyways, the *only* issue I have found with this is that when a fish: loaded track finishes, it will not go to the next track in the playlist (all are fish:'d currently, none local.) Not *too* big of a deal, since I just hot-key the next track, but it would be nice if I did not have to stop to think about it, since I'm normally nose-deep in some code and don't need the distraction.

Still, thanks again, Devs! Absolutely my favorite feature of the 1.1 beta releases.


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