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what about plugins

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Planet Smasher

Re:what about plugins

Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:11 am
O.K.. Python2.3 is already installed, and I installed Python2.3-qt3, all of their dependencies are taken care of.

So, when I go to install the alarm script. There\'s nothing. I went to the folder where amarok is installed, and the alarm folder was empty.

So, where do I get the alarm script that is suppose to be dependent on Python and Pyqt?

Once I get it, I just copy it to the alarm folder and then I point the Install option in the Tools/Scripts on the the menu bar to the script and click O.K. and it\'s done. Right?

This is a Linux n00b your talking to here. So, I hope you\'ll bear with me on this.

Planet Smasher

Re:what about plugins

Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:16 am
Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention. AmaraK was installed first, and Python, and then Pyqt, were installed next. I don\'t know if that makes a difference, but I thought I\'d mention it. I installed python and Pyqt as root, but I can\'t recall if I was root, or a user su to root to install AmaroK.

I don\'t know if any of this makes a difference, but I\'d though I\'d mention it anyway.
Planet Smasher

Re:what about plugins

Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:27 am
Nevermind..... :whistle: I figured out out to use it. :blush:

I know what\'s on your minds. \"Those pesky Linux n00bs with their n00b questions! Yeesh!\" :lol:
KDE Developer

Re:what about plugins

Mon Mar 07, 2005 9:08 am
at least your mind-reading still works perfectly ;-)

just kidding, have fun amaroking,

Re:what about plugins

Sat Mar 12, 2005 7:03 am
From the help file:

1. How do I use amaroK as an alarm clock?
Actually, thanks to the magic of DCOP you already can :) Simply set an alarm in your favorite calendar program and tell it to run the following command:

%dcop amarok player play

This command will tell amaroK to start playing. Make sure that amaroK is running before you go to bed, and you should wake up to the merry tune of whatever you pressed stop on before going to bed.


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