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A couple of suggestions/questions

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A couple of suggestions/questions

Mon Jan 17, 2005 6:44 pm

I\'ve just started using amarok (CVS version) and am very impressed. I especially like the idea of showing each song in context as it\'s played, IMO one of the few really original ideas I\'ve come accross. I have a few questions and suggestions...

- At the moment I\'m using the sqllite engine bundled with amarok. Is there any performance increase in running a mysql server instead? At times, amarok seems slower than other music manager programmes I\'ve used.

- Does anyone know of a volume-normalising plugin that will work with amarok (xine engine)? Xmms has a plugin that dynamically adjusts the gain to keep the overall volume constant when playing tracks which differ in loudness. Something like that, or support for VorbisGain tags would be good.

- I notice there\'s a \'scripts\' menu item under tools. Does this mean there\'s a scripting/plugin language for amarok? If so, where can I find out about it?

OK, a few suggestions (sorry if people have brought these up before)

- In the \'smart playlists\' tab (another great idea, btw) , once you have made a new playlist, there\'s no way to edit it. It would be good to add an \'edit\' option to the right mouse button context menu. It\'s anoying when you forget to give your carefully-crafted playlist a name, and have to remove it and start again :). Also good would be a rule such as \'last played at least 3 days ago\' rather than having to set absolute dates.

- It would be really nice if you could have an option to display thumbnails of album covers in the artist browser tab. I often find it quicker to spot a familiar cover than find an album name.

OK, hope this post wasn\'t too long, keep up the good work,

Martin wrote:
- In the \'smart playlists\' tab (another great idea, btw) , once you have made a new playlist, there\'s no way to edit it. It would be good to add an \'edit\' option to the right mouse button context menu. It\'s anoying when you forget to give your carefully-crafted playlist a name, and have to remove it and start again :). Also good would be a rule such as \'last played at least 3 days ago\' rather than having to set absolute dates.

I\'d like to second this (editing smart playlists w/ a right click). It\'s a little annoying thing that I\'m guessing is just an oversight but that should be fairly easy to fix and would be a definite improvement.


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