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Remove scoring of songs

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Remove scoring of songs

Sat Feb 12, 2005 5:58 pm
Hi there,

first I want to thank you guys for the best sound application EVER! :) Now on to my problem: I ripped some weeks ago one of my dad\'s old cds with quite cool music :). The problem I got here has actually nothing to do with amarok, but maybe someone knows about this problem and could give me a hint (that would be really great).
The files were encoded in MP3 (damn car radio not able to play ogg :( ) with variable bitrate (average 160, if i remember correctly) using the KDE-audiocd:/-IO-Slave. But unfortunately the files now got the wrong \"length\", they show a length of about 25 min. when they\'re actually only 4 min. long or something like that. The shown bitrate is 32 constant (also IIRC). Well, maybe someone knows about that, I suppose that belongs to the KDE or lame guys or someone else, but it would be great to get a hint.
Now to what that has to do with amarok: Unfortunately I didn\'t see this problem until I already played those files several times. As I play \"only 4 of 25 minutes\" every time of these songs, they seem to get a very bad scoring and so they don\'t show in my list of favourite songs. I like this scoring feature very much but this way it\'s practically unusable for me. It would be really great, to have the feature to be able to delete the scoring of a particular song without removing other scorings of the collection.
I\'ll be grateful for every hint!

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Re:Remove scoring of songs

Sun Feb 13, 2005 6:07 am
You can simple edit the score, like you edit artist/album/whatever: add the colum \"score\" and then you just have to rightclick, edit.

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Re:Remove scoring of songs

Sun Feb 13, 2005 4:57 pm
ohhh, thx. Didn\'t see it was so easy *a bit embarrased* ;)
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Max Howell

Re:Remove scoring of songs

Sun Feb 13, 2005 8:20 pm
This is a taglib bug. If you edit one of the tags, hopefully taglib will update the tag info such that it can read the length properly. Still it\'s fricking annoying that taglib still is broken here. Although maybe we aren\'t doing something right...


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