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Feature request: Queueing files for burning

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Roger Foss
Registered Member
I\'d like to see a feature for queueing files for burning.
Browsing through thousands for files and selecting which ones I want to burn on a data DVD (for an MP3 capable DVD player) is much easier that way:

1. Display all songs in the playlist

2. Create a Burn-Queue for a specific target
Targets could be an Audio CD, a 700mb CDROM, or a 4.7Gb Data DVD

3. Leasurely browse and listen through songs

4. Add songs I want to add to burn to the Burn-Queue
amaroK would constantly display on the status line how
much of the Burn-Queue\'s target capacity is left

5. Optionally, amaroK would create a play-list for
the selected songs I am adding in the root directory
of the DVD

4. Select Tools, Burn, Burn-Queue in the menu


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