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Remove New Tracks Smart Playlist?

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Michael Mitton
Registered Member

Remove New Tracks Smart Playlist?

Sat Feb 26, 2005 8:55 am
I buy a lot of music and I lose track of what I\'ve purchased, so the \"Newest Tracks\" smart playlist is pretty important to me. However, I can\'t figure out how to remove the artist playlists within Newest Tracks. That is, I buy album X and it gets a playlist in Newest Tracks, then when I\'ve decided I\'ve listened to it enough, I\'d like to remove the playlist for X in Newest Tracks.

I assumed this would be what the remove trashcan was for immediately above the smart playlist pane, but that button doesn\'t seem to do anything.

Am I missing something?

Oh, I\'m using 1.2-beta4.


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