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Playlist as collection

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Playlist as collection

Fri Mar 11, 2005 8:02 am
Love the program, but wondering if it would be possible to include an option to have a playlist that is essentially the collection, i.e one that updates itself when new music is added.

For some reason I find it more convenient browsing music in the playlist than in the collection.

Alternately, what would also be nice is an \"All\" folder in the collection lists, i.e one that shows all available music, allowing for an easy and quick way to add the entire collection to a playlist, rather than adding each individual folder, as I can\'t seem to highlight or select multiple folders in the collection list to drag to the playlist.

If this is already possible, or has already been brought up then I apologise in advance.

Re:Playlist as collection

Fri Mar 11, 2005 8:06 am
Sorry, ignore that, I just discovered the smart playlist option. Please ridicule me as you wish.


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