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improvements of the create-smartlist-dialog

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i noticed that i can\'t create some special smart-playlists. it is for example not possible (afaik) to create smart-playlists with songs who have never played AND something (for example have the genre xxx).
Or in other words, it\'s not possible to add songs with play-counter = 0

so, i have 2 suggestions of improvements:

i use the mysql database. so, the most flexible way to create smart-playlists would be to create them using standard mysql-statements.

possibility to create a kind of hierarchy in the smart-playlists.
an exemple: i create e smart-playlist with genre=metal.
under thisone (in hierarchical sense), i can create some new smart-playlists, and every of them inherit the attributes of the playlist above (in this example the genre=metal).
do you understand me?

what do you thing about this suggestions?



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