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taking over microsoft media player

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Taking over microsoft media player

taking over microsoft media player

Wed Mar 16, 2005 1:38 am
amarok is the best audio player for linux. i think that with the pace amarok is going, it will be the best media player out there. the one thing that amarok needs is a more up to date feel to the gui. with most commercial products they always focus on the quality of the gui. some have **** code and some have horrible engines. but people use them people they look cool and the company making the software exploits all the features so that the product looks like it is a solid product.

maybe the amarok team doesnt want to go that way. they might even want to stick to the general old timers who have been using linux forever.

i think that it would benefit the linux community to grow and amarok to be the dominant media player if it made it the most easy to use and a very pleasant to the eye gui.
please... dont\'t make any ugly themes for amarok. kde-themes are enought!

amarok doesn\'t need to be themed. it needs a gui makeover that is friendly and can compete with windows media player :woohoo:
Gleb Litvjak
Registered Member
I agree that theming amaroK isn\'t necessary. Most winslows palyers have themes cause winslows\'s GUI looks horrible. KDE widgets look great and are themeable, so amaroK fits very nice with the rest of the KDE and QT apps (and with GTK-QT engine (see I have a very nice and consistent environment). However, amroK could benefit from making its GUI more stylish. I mean the CSS styles (a great feature! I\'m waiting for other CSS styles to become availiable at kde-look), the icons (seems that the icons that are used in amaroK are hard-coded, IMO a user should be able to easily install new icon themes for amaroK) and so on.
Adam D. McBride
Registered Member

Re:taking over microsoft media player

Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:40 am
i agree with you that amarok is the best media player for linux. i converted my brother to linux, so he\'s a newbie. he likes kde but after showing him amarok he griped that it was hard to use. amarok needs to bump up their css styling. give amarok a pretty and easy (pretty and easy. ooops said it twice.) interface and it will be gold. :P


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