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Feature Request: Smart Playlist Criteria

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Hi, I think it would be really handy to have a negated version of the Last Played/in the last X days criteria in the smart playlist creator. It would allow you to generate playlists of your favorite music that you haden\'t played in a while, similar to the \"Least Played Tracks\" in the home section. That would be a super cool thing, and hopefully it wouldn\'t be overly complicated to implement.

Anyway, just started using Amarok and I have to say kudos on the really great app.
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You can create a smartplaylist which the criteria is:

Last Play is before Date...
While that is one way to accomplish the desired functionality, it is a bit of a kludge. If you were trying to make a playlist of songs with a relatively high rating that you hadn\'t played in the last week, everytime you wanted to listen to songs fitting that description you\'d have to create a new smart-playlist. While this accomplishes the goal it\'s not exactly a particularly elegant way to do it, I simply think that a \"last played: is not in the last X days\" criteria, would be a nice addition, complementing the \"least played\" section under the home tab, allowing you to explore music that you like but have forgotten to listen to for a while.


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