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feature overload warning

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feature overload warning

Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:30 pm

i´m using amaroK since about 0.8 and i´m looking forward to every new version, cause of the excellent work of the team. As sb said in here: Great piece of code!

But when I look at all this feature requests: Isn´t there the risk to produce an overload such like Winamp did with version 3 (in my former Windows times)? Just a question...

On the other hand: Supporting other players than the iPod is definitly necessary.

Stay tuned,
Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
Registered Member

Re:feature overload warning

Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:36 pm
Well, we look very seriously at the features and attempt to select the ones that actually make sense :) Just take a look at the wiki\'s development section for proof of the amount of thought that goes into this ;) Thanks for the warning, but you\'re not the first to come with it :)

Read your old messages for reply to the iPod situation, we already do support most mp3 players on the market, in that they for the most part are simply removable drives. :)

..Dan // Leinir..

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