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Feature Req: Remove from New Tracks Auto P-list

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Michael Mitton
Registered Member
OK, I like to keep the new music I purchase and rip, in one playlist. The New Tracks auto playlist does this, so far so good. But, eventually, I decide that I\'ve listened to that album enough, and I want to take it out of my new music playlist. So really, all I\'m looking for is a way to delete things from the New Tracks p-list, bring up the playlist, r-click, remove from playlist, and have it never come back.

For example, I recently converted all my .FLAC to .MP3, then imported all the .MP3s into amaroK. My New Tracks playlist now has essentially my entire collection.

The work-around I currently use is to add a flag into the comments field, \"xzq\" (gibberish so it doesn\'t conflict with any other sorting I might do), then I can create a smart playlist using \"modified after\", and exclude comments that contain \"xzq\"

So, that\'s it. Not a big deal since I have that work-around, but it would be nice to have that automated.

Thanks all for my favorite playlist!


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