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ANyway to DELETE genre subtypes?

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ANyway to DELETE genre subtypes?

Wed Apr 27, 2005 7:33 pm
I\'d like to be able to delete much of the list of the various genres, since there are many types that I don\'t listen too.
I\'ve looked through the forums, but haven\'t really found anyone with this question.

Simply editing the genre just makes a new entry , and thus more of a list for me to plow through - ugh!
Does anyone know where the genre types are listed - I have a feeling it\'s in the .db file but am having a hard time trying to read it.
I\'m using Linux

Any help will be appreciated,

Re:ANyway to DELETE genre subtypes?

Mon Feb 13, 2006 4:32 am
I am having the same issue, I like to keep things simple, and I have songs in perhaps 17 of the 64 Genre\'s that are listed. If we can\'t delete them, then have a filter that says \"hide empty Genre\'s\", or at least a differnent icon for an empty category to differentiate from a full category.


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