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Filenames on media devices

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Filenames on media devices

Wed May 04, 2005 5:04 am
Hi guys,

Asked on IRC but I guess timing wasn\'t right. Is there any way of preserving the names of the files that get uploaded to media devices? iPod mini here, don\'t know if it makes any difference. I\'m guessing current behaviour has something to do with compatibility with (older?) all media devices, but could there be an option to leave the filenames as they are?

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Francis Belanger
Registered Member

Re:Filenames on media devices

Thu May 05, 2005 12:29 pm
I support also this.

there is a big bug in the naming sheme, often he use a name already taken and when you rename it he copy the the file from te ipod to the ipod buth with the metadata from the file on the computer.

i explain my self:

let\'s say i have song:

kpod13 : system of a down - BYOB

i want to copy :
Franz ferdinand - Jacqueline

he tell me to try a different name so i do and i end up :

kpod13_2 : Franz ferdinand - Jacqueline it looks ok (But this song is actually system of a down - BYOB )

this thing happened to me around 5 times in the last month

Re:Filenames on media devices

Thu May 05, 2005 12:44 pm
I\'ve been trying to hack on this to get myself proper filenames on the ipod, but to no avail so far (segfault). If anyone has any suggestion, here\'s the modified & broken IPod::createNewTrackMetadata:

TrackMetadata IPod::createNewTrackMetadata(const QString& localpath) {
QFileInfo fi(localpath);
Q_UINT32 trackid = itunesdb.getMaxTrackID();
while (itunesdb.getTrackByID( ++trackid) != NULL); // look for the next free number

TrackMetadata track( trackid);
// calculate the directory
Q_UINT32 dir = trackid % 20;

// form the trackpath
QString trackpath;
trackpath.sprintf( \":iPod_Control:Music:F%02d:%s\", dir, fi.baseName(TRUE));

return track;

There\'s only one call to createNewTrackMetadata somewhere in mediabrowser.cpp (iirc) so there won\'t be any pain in modifying calls to this. It also needs qfileinfo.h included in order to work.

All in all, i don\'t know much about ipod\'s filestructure but it dosen\'t look like rocketscience so far; the kpod naming confuses me though.

The reason I want proper filenames so much is so I could use the iPod as backup media. So. I\'d be grateful if a dev or clued amarok/ipod folk could point me in the right direction and i\'d also like to know what the chances of getting this patch included (if ever completed) are.
Magnus Bjarnason

Re:Filenames on media devices

Tue Nov 22, 2005 8:45 pm
I\'m using 1.3.5 and I\'m experiencin this problem more and more often as I start using Amarok as my main iPod tool..

Filenames reportedly already exist (why can\'t it make random unique names and if alread exists, automatically reroll the dice?) and both overwriting and renaming result in garbled collection on the iPod.

= gtkPod removes a lot of duplicates

To my best guess, the amarok file names do not have any specific meaning, and are not created from the original file name/tag (although their number could stem from location in the local database, but this would be a bad idea, as I would run into problems as soon as I used my device on another persons system through amarok), so why should this even be an issue and not just quicly fixed with a proper renaming scheme (automatic, as it takes a lot of time pressing rename every so often for a 200 file transfer).

Looking forward to this not being an issue anymore, but otherwise It\'s a great piece of software!

btw: When is 1.4 coming out, anyone?


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