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Double Clicking

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Double Clicking

Sat May 07, 2005 1:09 am
This can be taken as a feature request, or a question.

The main reason I chose to use amarok over xmms or mplayer is it\'s ability to sort media as WMP can. I really enjoy having that ability, and it just helps, ya know\'? I hate having to sift through all of my music to find that one song I wanna hear when I can just go to the artist and find it there. Sorting is zen...

But there is one behaviour that Amarok has not shown itself to mimic: Double click play. It would seem to me that intuition would have it play the specified option on double click. Is there any way you guys can make your menu take double clicks as the \"Make Playlist\" option? I don\'t see any reason that it should be like this, so if you guys introduced this, media browsing would only get easier and simpler.


Re:Double Clicking

Sat May 07, 2005 1:11 am
Oops, forgot to add that this feature would be best application-wide. If I double click on genre, album, or artist, in my mind it should play. Also, you guys showed awesome progress from 1.2.1 to 1.2.3. :woohoo:


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