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Tranferring files to an Ipod?

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Tranferring files to an Ipod?

Sun Jun 05, 2005 11:02 am
Hi, I\'m sure this is probably not a bug and is just me being dumb, but can anyone tell me how to use the media browser to tranfer music to and from my Ipod? If I list a bunch of music files for tranfer and click transfer, nothing happens, there is no progress dialog, nothing and no indication that anything is happening either. The listed files just sit there and do not appear to be being tranfered at all.

Moreover there is no indication that amaroK has even found my Ipod, or knows where it is mounted. (currently it is mounted as /dev/sda2 at /mnt/ipod).

I can browse the ipod drive without difficulty and can add and delete folders and can tranfer files to and from it using GTKPod. Ideally though, I would prefer a single solution that allowed me to keep my music library organised and to tranfer files to and from it at will - and which allowed me to play files stord on my Ipod on my computer.

Can anyone tell me what I\'m doing wrong and how to get amaroK to recognise and work properly with my Ipod?

All input would be welcomed.

Best regards,


Re:Tranferring files to an Ipod?

Sun Jun 05, 2005 11:03 am
Also would it be possible to add an \'unmount\' feature, so I can unmount my Ipod after transferring and listen to them without having to switch off my PC first?

Mike Diehl
Registered Member

Re:Tranferring files to an Ipod?

Sun Jun 05, 2005 11:04 am
After mounting, restart amarok. Drang and drop playlist items into the Artist listview, click transfer.
Mike Diehl
Registered Member

Re:Tranferring files to an Ipod?

Sun Jun 05, 2005 11:06 am
No need to power off, after the transfer close amarok and `umount /mnt/ipod`

Re:Tranferring files to an Ipod?

Sun Jun 05, 2005 5:59 pm
I have a problem transfering files since I upgraded from kde 3.3.2 to 3.4.1. I have recompiled the ipod kio slave and Amorok, I use Gentoo, when I click transfer the files appear to be transfered but never appear on the ipod. I am using the new media:/ ioslave and it would appear this has something to do with it as some other programs also seem to have similar problems finding where to send the data.

Any ideas?



Re:Tranferring files to an Ipod?

Wed Jun 08, 2005 12:49 am
After mounting, restart amarok. Drang and drop playlist items into the Artist listview, click

Yes that\'s what I\'m saying, when I do that, nothing happens, nothing gets transfered. I don\'t think amarok knows my iPod exists, or where it is located.

halo five

Re:Tranferring files to an Ipod?

Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:43 am
Same problem, is this a bug?

My iPod is mounted at /media/iPod by SuSE 9.3. After reading that Amarok likes to have ipods at /mnt/ipod, I made a symbolic link from /mnt/ipod to /media/iPod and restarted amaroK.

I drag files to the upper left window that says \"Drag files here to transfer to your iPod\" and they are queued in the lower left window. When I click transfer, nothing happens. No dialog, no progress bar, nothing. GTKPod works fine.

Are we victims of bad UI design here or is this an outright bug?

My IPod is a 20GB 4th generation. Any help appreciated.

Re:Tranferring files to an Ipod?

Fri Jul 22, 2005 2:04 pm
Same problem. I have a new 20GB ipod photo and am running Fedora 4 x86_64. Al the latest updates are installed as is amaroK from the fedora extras site. I have no problems seeing the folders on my ipod but can not see it in amaroK and hence can not transfer music to it as I would with itunes. I can do it using gtkpod (which I downloaded from freshrpms. My ipod is running the windows vfat version of ipod.

Apart from this little (but annoying) problem amarok works well and my ogg files sound great......


Re:Tranferring files to an Ipod?

Mon Aug 08, 2005 8:03 pm
Ipod mini, mounted at /media/iPod. My problem is slightly different. Most of the times transfers works just fine, but then suddenly the Transfer button does not work any more. Only solution seems to Quit Amarok and restart again. Then the transfers works again, but never for long. 3-4 transfers is the most I have managed to do before a restart of the complete app is required ... strange.

There has also been a few lockups after transfers. The status bar says \"Updating collection\" but nothing works at all. I need to kill the app from the command line and restart again. Happend at least 4 times last night when I re-synced my ipod from my computer (~900 songs).

Btw, I am using Suse 9.3, no extra stuff added from source or other repos.



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