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Smart Playlist Feature requests

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Scott Dunifon

Smart Playlist Feature requests

Sat Jul 16, 2005 2:04 am
I have a few ideas/suggestions for the smart playlists.

1. The ability to have a smart playlist use a playlist as its set of songs instead of the entire collection. I used this feature in iTunes a lot and if you start using it becomes a very powerful tool. One example is have a smartplaylist that only play songs that have been played less than 3 times that are in a playlist of all your new songs you have, in order to make sure you listen to all of your new music. It\'s also useful if you have a roomate and you only want a smart play list to filter all of your songs and to not include any of his.

2. This could by then itunes way of just having a rule.
I thought of another way that might increase usability by just having the ability to drag a smart playlist onto a playlist and have the smart playlist filter that playlist.
So you could instantly create a temporary list of all the rock songs in your summer of 2004 mix playlist .

3. My last idea might be a little harder to program but allow smart playlists to be stacked on eachother.. so you could start out with your party mix playlist... drag a filter onto it that only plays your songs added in the last 2 months... then drag one on that only plays the rock genre. or combine to smart playlists to play the all the songs in both of them.. or only play the songs that are in both of them.... This could open up tons of powerful ways to organize songs without added too much extra complexity.

I think this would be relativly easy to program because you would just use the smart playlists to filter things based on the current set of songs(the playlist) instead of the whole collection, but im unfamiliar on if your playlist data is stored in a the data base ala itunes or is only kept in the actual playlist file.

The feature #1 is the one i would most like to see in amarok, #2 and #3 might take a lot more work.
Registered Member

Re:Smart Playlist Feature requests

Sun Jul 24, 2005 10:11 am
number 2 is simple

2. Minor supprot for that already exists
the playlist to your right has a search bar.

Registered Member

Re:Smart Playlist Feature requests

Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:04 am
weird half my post got truncated :s

in the search bar of the main playlist on the right

you can enter filter queries to remove/filter songs to prevent from playing

in your case

genre:rock will hide (notremove) all songs the do not contain a genre rock
it will only cyckle those song the hidden songs will be ignored.

score:>20 also works

playcount i dont think is supportted :S
Registered Member

Re:Smart Playlist Feature requests

Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:02 pm
actually a work around for first play

score: less than 0

that a less than symbol
the forum doesnt less me post less than without cutting it off.

Post edited by: carl0ski, at: 2005/07/26 01:41

Post edited by: carl0ski, at: 2005/07/26 01:42

Re:Smart Playlist Feature requests

Sat Sep 10, 2005 11:19 am
carl0ski wrote:
weird half my post got truncated :s

in the search bar of the main playlist on the right

you can enter filter queries to remove/filter songs to prevent from playing

in your case

genre:rock will hide (notremove) all songs the do not contain a genre rock
it will only cyckle those song the hidden songs will be ignored.i need to find out info about a music genre!!!!i cant find ANY info, wot so ever!!!!!!

score:>20 also works

playcount i dont think is supportted :S
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :kiss: :blush:


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