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Importing Winamp Playlists

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Importing Winamp Playlists

Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:52 pm
I must say that Amarok is, by far and without a doubt, the all time best music player I\'ve ever used. I love the interface, the custumization, the plugins and the album cover grab, but the best has got to be the lyrics.

Anyway, at work I\'m forced to use Windows and thus rely on Winamp. I\'ve created dozens of playlist that I\'d like to import into Amarok. How can I do that? They always come up in my playlist as:
[code:1]C:/document and settings/all users/shared/Music/....[/code:1]

You know the rest. Even if I don\'t use the abs path, Amarok still can\'t work with it. I rsync my windows box to my linux box, so the from the /Music folder down, they folder structure is identical.

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Jocke "Firetech" Andersson
Registered Member

Re:Importing Winamp Playlists

Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:17 pm
You probably have to \"convert\" the playlists to use the linux folder.
The easiest way to do this is to open the playlists in an editor (kate for example) and do a search/replace operation on it.
If you want to do it in a script, you can use the sed command like this:
[code:1]sed -e \"s/C:\\/document and settings\\/all users\\/shared\\/Music/~\\/music/g\" playlist.m3u[/code:1]
The \"maybe a bit strange\" code after -e has the following syntax:
You have to \"escape\" all the slashes in the paths using a backslash (I.E. \'/\' becomes \'V\' (and shouldn\'t be the letter V, the forum just can\'t handle backslashes correctly...)).
Good Luck.

Post edited by: Firetech, at: 2005/09/28 18:24

Don't care about my post count. I'm an IRC guy, occational hacker and part of roKymotion.

"I will run gentoo when pigs fly. By the time that happens, I'll have a sufficient computer."

Re:Importing Winamp Playlists

Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:47 pm
Thanks Firetec. That\'s what I\'ve been doing, but I didn\'t know if there was an easier way to do it using Amarok.

If I get a little more time/ambition, maybe I\'ll write it myself.



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