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Fri Sep 30, 2005 12:55 pm
Amarok is the best. No joke. I\'ve never bothered to organise my collection until I started using it. Now I find it fun. Almost cathartic after a long day...

I did notice that the favourites tracking engine has a couple of strange quirks.

It seems to be weighted towards tracks which you play through until the end, which makes sense. But it doesn\'t notice when you skip a track back to the beginning for a repeat play. For example, I just skipped the track which was at the top of my list back to the beginning so that my friend could listen to it, and it\'s dropped about 20 places.

Also, the play frequency doesn\'t seem to be considered very highly when ranking a track. A couple of new tracks that I\'ve recently added to my collection have been played a huge number of times in the past two weeks, but they haven\'t moved to the top. Is it a case of stopping playback trumps play frequency?

I know that it\'s a pretty small thing when you consider the amazing features that are already there, but it\'s yet another excellent innovation which sets Amarok apart from the Winamp-clone filled market ;)


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