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Albums in Amarok 1.4

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Albums in Amarok 1.4

Fri Nov 04, 2005 8:42 pm
Hi, I\'ll try to explain this as best as I can.
In Amarok 1.3 when you have an album of various artists you can see all the tracks of this album in the tab and you can add an image to the album and all the tracks are affected by this.
Now in version 1.4 Amarok only shows the track of the artist and don\'t show all the tracks of the album, it thinks that the current track is only a single and it should be part of a full album.
I think that the way Amarok acts in 1.3 is more correct than in version 1.4. Also I have to add the image to all the tracks of the album, track by track.
Is this a problem or a new feature?


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