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New column for playlist

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New column for playlist

Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:29 am

i was thinking about adding a new column to the playlist view

well.. currently we can display how much good are the songs for you by taking a look at its score, or even you can use the comment tab for this

but i think it would be interesting to have an extra \"visual\" indicator in order to \"mark\" songs, to decide how preferred are for you
i\'m talking about having a color chooser that lets you choose from 3 color values (for example) moving from green to red (as it\'s done when representing ranges of temperatures)

let\'s take a look at an example situation:
you get a new album, but you don\'t know wich songs are good and wich not.. once you\'ve listened it at all you can select the best ones by marking them with red color indicator.. of course this is a static indicator and it keeps its value even if you don\'t play the song anymore (or even if you hear it 10 times at a day)

with this method you could build a sublist of \"preferred songs\", easy to use (a visual indicator doesn\'t disturb at all) and of course you can hide it if you don\'t want to use it.. there\'s no problem

what do you think about it?

regards :laugh:


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