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Realy smart search

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Realy smart search

Sun Dec 04, 2005 10:41 pm
I have a lot of songs with tags beeing in several languages. If I start search and press e.g. letter e, amaroK matches exatly this letter.

I want amaroK to match other \"e\" variants like ę, ė, е (cyrillic), э, é as well. For o I want to match ô, ö, о (cyrillic), ø and so on.

Is it easy to implement? Is it possible? Is it amaroK or is it database issue?

Re:Realy smart search

Fri Dec 09, 2005 12:37 am
No comments on my post, I can\'t believe that nobody needs such smart sorting. I will explain why I need this.

Not all my songs are perfectly tagged. Tags of the same artist are written in different ways. I have tags with artist name Stephane Pompougnac and with the same artist name in french Stéphane Pompougnac. If in the search field I start to type Ste, I get results with Stephane Pompougnac only. If I start typing Sté, I get results with Stéphane Pompougnac tags only.

I want that search for Ste would match both Stephane Pompougnac and Stéphane Pompougnac.

And another example. I have songs with tags artist name spelled in english Boris Grebenshchikov and other tags with the same artist name in cyrillic Борис Гребенщиков. I want to start typing Boris and I want both tags to match - Boris Grebenshchikov and Борис Гребенщиков.

Is that possible?

Re:Realy smart search

Fri Dec 09, 2005 12:57 am
This would be pretty difficult to implement.

The only good way I see of getting this working is if your database supports regular expressions (sqlite doesn\'t have it built-in, but postgres and mysql do). Then we could replace e with [eé...] in the search before querying the database. However, it doesn\'t seem very clean, and I\'m not sure if it\'d be implemented. I\'d suggest filing a wish request for it in bugzilla, and waiting to see what\'s said about it.


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