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Last try before I go back to Windows...

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I have spent the past several days attempting to locate a good MP3/Music player that I can install on a Linux distro. I stumbled about amaroK, and thought it looked very close to WinAmp --if not better.

My goal was to stop using Windows to be my \"MP3/Music\" computer, which I had attached to my home stereo -- instead I wanted to have it Linux-based.

I installed Kubuntu, but it\'s still be a big challenge (I taught myself DOS, back in the day, and I know some Linux stuff, but obviously not enough)....

I need my MP3/Music player computer to play GAPLESS audio. So, I tried WAV, FLAC (which was pretty nice-and I\'d like to use that) as well as some of my old MP3s and I can\'t for ANYTHING get it to work correctly on amaroK. I tried GStreamer and Xine.

So - this is my last attempt... if you can help, I would appreciate it. I have tried 2 different sound cards a lot of \"tweaks\" in hopes to get things working (e.g. editing .asoundrc to change buffer). Nothing. The closest I can get is a tiny \"burb\" between songs -- but that\'s not acceptable for me. My WinAmp plugin (called mp3-splice) did it Flawlessly.

Thank you for your time.... (Please help this Windows user FINALLY convert at least a couple of his computers to Linux, and still be happy).

I have other \"issues\" such as xine now keeps crashing on me, and the visualizations say they\'re missing the libvisual file... I\'ll save these questions for later -- But as you can see, I am about ready to give up and just delete Kubuntu and go back to WinAmp on Windows... :blush:
Andreas Kosmowicz
Registered Member
do you hear anything out of your MP3 Files?
Maybe you\'re using SuSE-Linux or another Distribution not having MP3 support by installing out-of-the-box, because of eventually getting trouble with e-patents.

Maybe you have to download another MP3-Reading XINE and/or AmaroK. B)
Registered Member
As far as I remember, for TRUE gapless playback you need newest xine, and a fresh SVN copy of amaroK. I recommend writing a mail to amaroK mailing list, or stopping by at IRC. Good luck.
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KDE Developer
That\'s correct, gapless playback is available with amaroK 1.4 (beta1 to be released soonish), in combination with libxine >= 1.1.1.

Works well with with OGG and FLAC (but not perfectly with MP3, due to technical limitations of the format).

Mark Kretschmann - Amarok Developer
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Juan Ehrenhaus
Registered Member
i know your frustration.
i am a user of SuSE and amarok is one of the applications to keep me out of Windows:sick:

But until I\'ve got it running I was moving from SuSE 9.0 to SuSE9.3 (nowadays with x86_64), installed all the recommended plugins and engines like xine and yesterday gstreamer0.8.11.

Additionally I decided avoid compiling it, because some trouble if you compile one version into a system with an old amarok one.

At this moment amaroK rocks here I can handle my music collection without any kind of problems it is a great application and a great job from the amaroK team. ;) Even the gapless issue is possible to adjust handling the crossover skill using the xine engine, for instance.

Anyway, I have now my first PC at home without Windows and for the SuSE distribution you have available a huge amount of precompiled packages that making your life easier. (GURU, Linux2Linux, etc,…)

Reconsider your windows come back, testing other Linux distributions. May be you find one that fulfill your needs.

Post edited by: juan_lutz, at: 2006/02/01 07:21


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