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feature requests

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feature requests

Thu Dec 15, 2005 5:19 am
that said, i have a few requests for it.
#1. make visualizations better intergraded...have a button somewhere that will let me turn of visuals, and make it full screen (think something like itunes, or WMP). also, have some good visualizations by default...i cant seem to find any good ones past goom and infiity..som make so of your own visualizations! i love visualizations, and i\'m sure others do to.
#2. the handling of CD\'s is awful. make a cd tab or put it in as a part of devices tab in the browser. there, be able to simply play it, or be able to rip it to mp3/ogg/wav. that would be very nice.
#3. save the lyrics permenately, so when my laptop is not connected to the web, i can still see they lyrics.
#4. get a new splash screen....
#5. get specific play/pause/ff/rr buttons...using the system ones doesnt work as well. get your own...make them intergrate better.
#6. have amarok work with my multimedia buttons on my keyboard...
#7 make the whole app themeable...not just the browser
#8. the OSD is awsome...but it is annoying when amarok is the window on top...have it so when amarok is the active window, the osd will not come on (is that possible even)?

thanks for listening, and i hope to see some of these implimented!


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